Darth what are you doing down off your stand?

No you can't go outside.

Throw you hands up if you want you're still not going outside.

You can't force choke me. You're just a toy. Now get back on your stand.

Really? The silent treatment? You're such a freaking diva.

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Completely forgot about these. My brother was out of town for my birthday so he celebrated in my honor and had random people pose with this sign that he wrote on a piece of bathroom paper towel. Love that guy hahaha

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Let me elaborate. I work in transportation and logistics. Translation, I run a bunch of trucking operations that deliver to major retailers and distributors throughout the southeast United States. My job is highly stressful and just generally annoying in our high demand "I want my stuff, and I want it right now!" society. I like it okay and I've been doing it a long time,...
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don't worry little fella, i will be home next week.  and you will be done with the holidays.... pickle back...
It occurred to me as I walked my dog around the block at 315 pm in my pjs and a neon green skull cap while drinking a beer that I have become that weird old guy in the neighborhood. I like it.

Never really seen many until I joined the site but now they might be my new favorite thing :-)

Beautiful and Fennek is a redhead too!!! Just followed them both. I like how Fennek's are at an angle too. Never seen that before.
Very brave! 

I' m a complete comic book nerd so I really want to get something along those lines probably n a calf sleeve. Anybody out there have any cool superhero/comic book character tattoos. I need to be inspired to get the creative juices flowing plus I love seeing them. Nothing better than grown ups refusing to be grown ups.

if that hulk over banner vetruvious man think you had didn't look like banner being buttfucked, that would be awesome
Yeah Steve completely ruined that one for me.