They Say A Picture Can Say A 1,000 Words, .... This Is So True
I'm such a fan of art .... all different shapes, sizes, colors, modern, vintage, .... etc. I can sit and stair at this photo and my mind will run free on the ideas and creativitiy, on whats going on in this artists mind. I see this photo and say to my self not only is a Parking banner, But what it really says is Park. It grabs you and says, '" Sit, Stay here awhile " .... Or that is what I gather from it. Then you get deeper in the photo and you see a lady, a young woman. As her eyes are shut she continues to swing away with no worries on her mind !!!!
I'm such a fan of art .... all different shapes, sizes, colors, modern, vintage, .... etc. I can sit and stair at this photo and my mind will run free on the ideas and creativitiy, on whats going on in this artists mind. I see this photo and say to my self not only is a Parking banner, But what it really says is Park. It grabs you and says, '" Sit, Stay here awhile " .... Or that is what I gather from it. Then you get deeper in the photo and you see a lady, a young woman. As her eyes are shut she continues to swing away with no worries on her mind !!!!