2STF/1/4:2 -ATA BUS 0-master
Googling said "2STF" code yields this entry.
2STF/1/4 is Apple's way of telling me they hate my soul and I should fuck off and die.
You havent heard any news here of local nature hikes, reasons not to write about your politics while you own firearms and wish to renew your carry permit, or even anything fun about celebrities or trilobites all because of 2STF/1/4:. All because of that buggy 10.2.8 update bringing 2STF/1/4: into my life.
And a message from the ether, alien and weird for its prognosticating abilities.
When you come across it and Google brings you here looking for help at least youll know someone shared your pain. The local computer shop charged me $103 to tell me most of the programming work and email from the previous four months was gone along with the hard drive it lived upon. That was nice of them, dont you agree?
Things do not look good for the Homestar Runner.