"US military forces now occupy the area along the Tigris-Euphrates river basin. This is where the Neolithic revolution and the domestication of plants and animals began ten thousand years ago. This is where the first human civilization at Sumer, in the environs of present-day Baghdad, developed six thousand years ago, and where the first empire under Sargon the Great, also around baghdad, held sway five thousand years ago. This is where Abraham was born. Its is where, closely to the west, Judaism, and Christianity had their origins, with Islam originating just to the south. Zoroastrianism and Baha'i arose to the east. The tigris-Euphrates river basin is the cradle of Arab civilization and the site of the early Muslim Abbassid dynasty. The armies of Alexander the Great marched here, as did the Roman legions and the hordes of Genghis Khan.
There is no place in the entire world more steeped in history, more complex in its politics, more charged in its religious fervor than the Tigris-Euphrates river basin. For the United States to take control of this region at America's moment of vulnerability and power is utterly profound. America reacted to a blow and demonstrated world dominion by seizing the most sacred and fought over soil in the history of the world."
...yeah take that home, chew on it. wanna read more? "America as Empire" -Garrison
its like totally sweet, headgazmic. You know, if you have a brain.
completely unrelated these are my waaay new cool glasses, katie likes them, you should too.

There is no place in the entire world more steeped in history, more complex in its politics, more charged in its religious fervor than the Tigris-Euphrates river basin. For the United States to take control of this region at America's moment of vulnerability and power is utterly profound. America reacted to a blow and demonstrated world dominion by seizing the most sacred and fought over soil in the history of the world."
...yeah take that home, chew on it. wanna read more? "America as Empire" -Garrison
its like totally sweet, headgazmic. You know, if you have a brain.

completely unrelated these are my waaay new cool glasses, katie likes them, you should too.

It was fun to shoot, but I still think I can do better. We'll see if the planned sets in September work out...