A girl that I've been friends with since we were 14 stopped talking to me a year and a half ago, no reasons, no nothing. She just stopped talking to me. She just got engauged to this guy who she had started dating a couple months earlier. I think I was in love with her, in love and for whatever reason she cut off communication. because of him or because of the situation, frankly it hurt, alot. NOW she just had a baby girl with this guy and she sends me a message in myspace saying "Hi, just wanted to say hi, and i miss you." after a year and a half. I did everything for this kid and like, I had moved on. I missed her 17 months ago but like seriously? I dont want this or you, so i politely told her to take a long walk off a short pier and have a good life without me. Thing is I wasnt ready for the contact, and i found myself really crying for the first time in years.
So theres my very personal journal entry for the day.

So theres my very personal journal entry for the day.
I'm sorry you're sad. Hope my boobies cheered you up a bit. Thanks for the comment on my set!

thankyou baby!