i've been so fucking bored, seriously, im going out of my mind!!
ive been looking for a job like crazy, but no body is hiring. i keep praying this economy gets better.i also cant wait to start school on tuesday, one step closer to having a career. ill be able to get a job by may. yay for pharmacy tech's
i hate people who are so against tattoos and piercing, like tom's mom. get the fuck over it! it's none of your buisness. looks like tom wont be getting any till we're married...greatt. waiting for my settt
<3 Christine

<3 Christine
do you ever go to first fridays downtown?
do you have any of your paintings/drawings up online?
good luck finding a tattoo apprenticeship I think they are kinda hard to find
We love youuuu!
mwha mwha mwha mwha