So Sunday was one of the best days of my life in recent memory. I had heard back from my tax guy that I was only going to get back about $400 this year. Last year I worked less and got $1100 so I was hoping to get enough to get enough to get my dream camera. No such luck. So Sunday was the day I was suppose to go see this good girl that cancled on me. So I was double frustrated. So in classic Chris style, push me against the wall and dissapoint me I'll push right back and still get what I want. So I said FUCK IT and went and got my dream camera. A Nikon D100 Digital SLR. This camera don't fuck around. I love it. I am far happier and far more satisfied than I thought I would be. Anyway, I'm a happy boy and thought I would share.

i love your set

Where are you?