There's not a doubt in my mind that Justin Timberlake is great in bed. The man will do whatever it takes to entertain an audience, even dress up in a woman's leotard. The man goes to great lengths to please huge audiences of people. And if he's determined to do so much to please people, there's no question that in the bedroom he rocks a...
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I am falling in love with Josephine Baker. She is quicky becoming my favorite pin up of all time. For me that's a pretty bold statement because I've been in love with Marilyn since I was a little kid. Josephine Baker was such a fascinating woman in every aspect of her life. She's not the normal body type I love in pin ups, but her...
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sup reno?
Next month I'll be heading to Nashville with my favorite dirty boy to get his sleeve finished. It seemed silly to travel that far just to get him tattooed so yesterday I booked an appointment for myself. I'm in love with this artist, his portraits look like paintings. The only problem is I have no clue what I want or where I want to put...
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Thank you for the wishes.

Yeh, age is not really a big thing to me either. I'm sure that I'll start to think differently when I hit the 40s, but then again I probably thought the same thing about 30s before I made it this far.

A very happy birthday to you. Hope you're having a great day.