Well even though Virginia Beach sucked (nothing to do there, but go to Busch Gardens) the trip up there going thru the outer banks of NC. was the coolest part and the trip back was good to. i feel like painting now, i have one just about done today (it's the Misfits "Crimson Ghost" in black and white) and i'm not sure about what to do next. I bought some cool tin posters of concert flayers of the Sex Pistols (2), the Ramones(2), the Clash(1), and Led Zeppelin (1). i also got two movie mini posters of Jaws and Clockwork Orange and a art book about Monet by Janice Anderson. The only thing that sucks right now i that i was out cutting the grass after i got back home and i wear an old pair of 81 shoes sumetimes to cut the grass in and i hit my leg with the weedeater (just with the tip or the string) and fucked up my boxes (the scaring on my leg) and if you don't know what i'm talkin about (boxes) then check out the Attachments folder my photo section. it's not too much damage but now theres an circle scar at the top left of the first box. o well.
New Painting added to pic section (art work)