Ok well this is my first blog here but I suppose this is a big one.
It seems the band i've been in for 4 and a half years have just decided
to call it quits. Its been done in such a really shit way. I really don't feel like
its gotten the end it deserved. Needless to say i'm pretty messed up about it.
Anyway that's it I suppose. Sorry this is such a downer of a blog
It seems the band i've been in for 4 and a half years have just decided
to call it quits. Its been done in such a really shit way. I really don't feel like
its gotten the end it deserved. Needless to say i'm pretty messed up about it.
Anyway that's it I suppose. Sorry this is such a downer of a blog

Am I the first one who's going to leave the comment for your first journal?
Anyways, I'm happy your journal finally are uploaded!