I had such a great time at SGB in Victoria last night!!
The show was super fabulous, and as ever, it's great to hang out with my SG friends!!
It was nice to finally meet the lovely and brave (don't let her tell you otherwise!)audioofambor!
I had a few members from Seattle and Vancouver, crashing at my place over the last couple of days. They were all in town for the "main event"! It was really great having you all with me, a real pleasure!!
I'm so glad that ooomermaidooo and MrDeity were able to make it to Victoria, it was great meeting you both, and I can't wait to see you again!!
After the show I bought the book and had the girls (from the show and a few others) sign it, *sigh*
, they are so much more beautiful in person!!!
After party at Lemonkid's place, was a good time! I spent most of my time there, laughing my ass off but was far too deleriously tired for much else. Many thanks to our lemony host!!
Good times!!
p.s. - I met a really great girl on Saturday night!!
I don't want to jinx things by saying much more but it does look really promising!
The last week and a half has been the happiest I've been in a very long time!!
Edited to add: Tonight, I am going out on my first real date since before meeting my ex wife in early 1989!!
I'm nervous and super excited!!
Edited at 6am Tues.:I had such a wonderful night!!!

It was nice to finally meet the lovely and brave (don't let her tell you otherwise!)audioofambor!
I had a few members from Seattle and Vancouver, crashing at my place over the last couple of days. They were all in town for the "main event"! It was really great having you all with me, a real pleasure!!

After the show I bought the book and had the girls (from the show and a few others) sign it, *sigh*

After party at Lemonkid's place, was a good time! I spent most of my time there, laughing my ass off but was far too deleriously tired for much else. Many thanks to our lemony host!!
Good times!!

p.s. - I met a really great girl on Saturday night!!

The last week and a half has been the happiest I've been in a very long time!!
Edited to add: Tonight, I am going out on my first real date since before meeting my ex wife in early 1989!!

Edited at 6am Tues.:I had such a wonderful night!!!

say no more say no more!