God damn! I spent 5 months in Ghana with everyone around me getting deathly ill, and yet I was fine.
As soon as I get back to Canada, I get super sick! I found out shortly after that I had a parasite called Giardia, and must have picked it up just before leaving Ghana. Anyhow, I went on medication at that time, and started to feel somewhat better. Went in for a follow up test, and found I still had it... fast forward and repeat this process over the next few months, and guess what? I still have it!?!!!
I have spent so much money on medication, and so much time feeling sick and weak as hell, I'm totally fed up and frustrated. Now I'm being told that they need to amp up the meds to something stonger and in turn, much more expensive!?! Ughh!!
Sorry to rant but I've been really feeling like I'm in over my head lately... with every f'ing thing in my life.
I hope your days are going a whole lot better!

Sorry to rant but I've been really feeling like I'm in over my head lately... with every f'ing thing in my life.
I hope your days are going a whole lot better!

*stabs parasite*