Jackie Robinson was known for many triumphs. He was an army veteran who served his country in the Second World War, where he endured savage horrors overseas.

And despite being an honorably discharged veteran, Robinson went on to endure fathomless racism when he returned Stateside.

Robinson didn’t necessarily think he’d be a baseball player, much less one of the greats. But what he did know...
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My appreciation for vinyl records dates to when I was young and wet behind the ears. Back then, vinyl was still king and while CDs and audio cassettes made their rounds at record stores and swap meets, the warm tone of an analog recording on wax was life changing.

My uncle turned me on to all manner of vinyl, from Black Flag’s “TV Party” to
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Thanking you, Clare. Sorry for being late to the party on this comment!

A trade publication I worked as an editor for sponsored an expo in beautiful Las Vegas a few years back. Covering the expo was the hard part, but luckily on our off hours, my staff and I got lost in the chaos of the vibrant city. These shots were taken on a cell phone, and I can’t remember much from the trip due in large part to the consumption of various chemicals. I was however sexually assaulted by an older woman from Jersey City. “No means, no”, hardly means a thing at the Golden Nugget Hotel and Casino when drinks and a Billy Joel cover band are involved. If I had the chance, I’d probably go back. Next time I’ll have to keep my wits about me. Sin City will put you on your knees if the rot-gut whiskey doesn’t do it first. Viva Las Vegas! And don’t forget to tip your bartenders.

i wanna go to las vegas ❤️‍❤️‍