its 7:45 am
i am up waaay before i need to be, only because i don't trust jaidee's crappy cell phone alarm
that thing has made me late to work too many times
i am sitting here sorta reflecting on my recent to not so recent sg activity
and i'm kinda wondering why i even bother with this site
i can't remember the last time i've looked at a set
i dont post on any message boards
i already know a bunch of people from sgny + i live with three people in it/dating one who is in it and an SG at that so i can pretty much get in at any little shindig thats thrown
i dont really update my journal with anything meaningful
when i do, no one reads it
i really only come here when i am super bored to read a select few peoples journal entries...
if its anything more than that, i just read sgny stuff over my girlfriend's shoulder when she is depriving me of my much needed attention
so basically i am paying, i believe, $18 every 3 months so i can have another live journal with naked girls frolicking about
i have to pee
ps. i updated my profile
i know, get excited
i'm dancing right noww
i feel like vomitting hummus and salsa con queso...
seemed like a good idea at 3am
ppssssp. i just kinda realized i am ranting about how myself, nor anyone else care s about me, yet since no one cares, no one will care to read this, so i guess this was all just a waste of time
but look, now i get to go take a shower
a 3 legged cat is trying to eat my leg
jealous, huh?
i am up waaay before i need to be, only because i don't trust jaidee's crappy cell phone alarm
that thing has made me late to work too many times
i am sitting here sorta reflecting on my recent to not so recent sg activity
and i'm kinda wondering why i even bother with this site
i can't remember the last time i've looked at a set
i dont post on any message boards
i already know a bunch of people from sgny + i live with three people in it/dating one who is in it and an SG at that so i can pretty much get in at any little shindig thats thrown
i dont really update my journal with anything meaningful
when i do, no one reads it
i really only come here when i am super bored to read a select few peoples journal entries...
if its anything more than that, i just read sgny stuff over my girlfriend's shoulder when she is depriving me of my much needed attention
so basically i am paying, i believe, $18 every 3 months so i can have another live journal with naked girls frolicking about
i have to pee
ps. i updated my profile
i know, get excited
i'm dancing right noww
i feel like vomitting hummus and salsa con queso...
seemed like a good idea at 3am
ppssssp. i just kinda realized i am ranting about how myself, nor anyone else care s about me, yet since no one cares, no one will care to read this, so i guess this was all just a waste of time
but look, now i get to go take a shower
a 3 legged cat is trying to eat my leg
jealous, huh?
I care!
Hope you have a great week!
i'm just a buttface who forgets to comment on her friends journal. i'm better with the keeping up with my friends livejournals, so feel free to add me there...xlukewarmx
sorry for the neglect, i shall comment more!