Its a slow hot night in a good way. Theres the sound of a film projector soft-clicking it might be on the stereo or in my head or on the stereo in my head either way, Im pretty sure its there (or not). Ive come to the recent realization that someones haunting me. Shes hiding behind every corner. Shes looking over my shoulder. Shes whispering in my ear when Im not paying attention. She lurked in every word I read earlier today, over-sexing the intimacy parts that were supposed to be nothing more than basic philosophy. I think I caught a glimpse of her essence shes all black-night empty all blood-red scorpio all dark-velvet warmed-over death cooled-over life. She was there when the streetlights first shed that crazy bronze-glow light on those drunk-night sidewalks and cities first found their importance. She had her hands on His hands when he didnt have anything to say her mouth on his mouth when he was all-too-human. She died in unison at the crucifixion and proved her purity at the resurrection sex-magic gods and no one was listening.
Will Sophie ever marry June? And what of those left behind? I mark this time with an X.
Will Sophie ever marry June? And what of those left behind? I mark this time with an X.
howdy, sent ya the rest of the third chapter finally. Finally got a female perspective on the first chapter at least. She said 1. it made her angry and a little depressing at the same time and 2. that she thinks it would be best adapted as a screen play.

Very nice...keep writing...I'm interested.