I suck at updating. But here's a fast one before work.
+ the show went off
- it was kind of lackluster, for us.
+ Idjiit was there, and he took what i can only assume to be awesome photos.
- i am becoming ill
+ this new job is a breeze thusfar, and i can only assume it will get easier.
+ Thanksgiving
+ a paycheck
- damn it's early, and i don't get to see my girl as much as i want while she's around.
Holy shit. This owns my ENTIRE life.
+ the show went off
- it was kind of lackluster, for us.
+ Idjiit was there, and he took what i can only assume to be awesome photos.
- i am becoming ill
+ this new job is a breeze thusfar, and i can only assume it will get easier.
+ Thanksgiving
+ a paycheck
- damn it's early, and i don't get to see my girl as much as i want while she's around.

Holy shit. This owns my ENTIRE life.
All the photos can be found here: http://www.swiftbennett.com/photowerx/index.cfm?cid=114
Here's some of my faves: