Well i just had me a phone interview with an orthodontics office. "But Chris," you're saying, "you're not an orthodontist.". And it's true. However, they're looking for a Records Technician with a strong digital photography background, and i've got one of those. So i faxed in my resume, and i called the lady back this morning, and i think i just used my rakish charm to win over this lady. I'm going in Wednesday to have an in-person interview......hey, i get to break out my nifty dress clothes.
It would be good to get this job....mostly because of the steady pay. It won't be anywhere near as fun as my current assisting jobs.....but sacrifices must be made for the greater good of my life, right? Alright, i'm going to jinx it by talking too much, so on to other things.
This weekend was nice and chill. Relaxed Friday, then hung with friends and got into a wrestling contest with Jeesh (in order to impress Carrie, i'll admit.
) and wound up making him tap to the Guillotine Choke. Then i had some soda and went home. Saturday was CLEANATHON 2k4. And setting up my new painting station, which i love and want to use....mwah ha ha ha. Then came 80s night at the Raygun. Hot girls, your hero HorrorShow dancing (?!), and the revelation that the girl i've had one of those passing crushes that you get cause you really don't know them but you see them everywhere you go and they're really really hot - is dating the DJ from that night. No big deal, he's a tool and i've got a girlfriend anyway, so it's not like i was gonna try to put it on her.
man, i'm writing a novel here.
Sunday was practice, then more hanging all day until late at night. Today will be gym, cleaning, and Oz ON DEMAND. w00t for days off.
It would be good to get this job....mostly because of the steady pay. It won't be anywhere near as fun as my current assisting jobs.....but sacrifices must be made for the greater good of my life, right? Alright, i'm going to jinx it by talking too much, so on to other things.
This weekend was nice and chill. Relaxed Friday, then hung with friends and got into a wrestling contest with Jeesh (in order to impress Carrie, i'll admit.

man, i'm writing a novel here.
Sunday was practice, then more hanging all day until late at night. Today will be gym, cleaning, and Oz ON DEMAND. w00t for days off.
One thing I left out of my journal which I thought you might appreciate is that my booker/friend Mike got an e-mail from a bunch of backyarders calling him out to show up at their show with AWA/IWF-TN that was a couple of hours from where we were that night so we went with him to back him up. Nothing ever came of it because they were already gone by the time we got there, it's probably for the best since Mike was gonna fuck somebody up. Maybe next time.