I feel like i don't update this thing enough.
At the same time, i feel like i don't have a lot to say. My life is kept on a pretty even keel, i get frustrated and/or stoked by things just like everyone else, but my day to day life is pretty much boring and unremarkable. That should change. I should change that.
What i need to do is find a way to make Richmond Lucha a profitable business. Profitable enough that it's my job. It'll never happen, but it's a nice thought.
Maybe quitting my retail job in order to get back into photography will light a fire under my ass. I've got the next month or so covered...but after that? I need to get work asap. Luckily, i've got an awesome website in the works, thanks to mr. zhixel, who i am in debt to. Which is good, cause there's some stuff i need/want to get. A new camera, new computer, and for fuck's sake, a good bed, these are things i need. I've got angles on the first two, #3 is a complete mystery to me.
I think it's time to try out just being really poor and doing what i like. There's a lot that i can cut out of my life in order to support my hatred of working for other people. But i'm going to try and go the other route, the one where i actually make enough money to get by.
Here's a couple hypothetical questions - If you were a middle class white person who lived in the suburbs, how much would you pay to have Santa come to your house for photos/visits with your kid, as opposed to going to the mall? Would you be interested in that?
In conclusion, i would like to say that i have no idea what i'm doing right now, and even less of an idea of what i want out of my personal life. Thank you and goodnight.
EDIT: Wait one fucking minute. I just realized that i never fully pimped Idjiit's photos of The Day the Earth Tapped Out! I'm some kinda maroon here.
At the same time, i feel like i don't have a lot to say. My life is kept on a pretty even keel, i get frustrated and/or stoked by things just like everyone else, but my day to day life is pretty much boring and unremarkable. That should change. I should change that.
What i need to do is find a way to make Richmond Lucha a profitable business. Profitable enough that it's my job. It'll never happen, but it's a nice thought.
Maybe quitting my retail job in order to get back into photography will light a fire under my ass. I've got the next month or so covered...but after that? I need to get work asap. Luckily, i've got an awesome website in the works, thanks to mr. zhixel, who i am in debt to. Which is good, cause there's some stuff i need/want to get. A new camera, new computer, and for fuck's sake, a good bed, these are things i need. I've got angles on the first two, #3 is a complete mystery to me.
I think it's time to try out just being really poor and doing what i like. There's a lot that i can cut out of my life in order to support my hatred of working for other people. But i'm going to try and go the other route, the one where i actually make enough money to get by.
Here's a couple hypothetical questions - If you were a middle class white person who lived in the suburbs, how much would you pay to have Santa come to your house for photos/visits with your kid, as opposed to going to the mall? Would you be interested in that?
In conclusion, i would like to say that i have no idea what i'm doing right now, and even less of an idea of what i want out of my personal life. Thank you and goodnight.
EDIT: Wait one fucking minute. I just realized that i never fully pimped Idjiit's photos of The Day the Earth Tapped Out! I'm some kinda maroon here.
Well i think some people would like Santa to come to their house that sounds pretty kewl but i have no kids so i couldn't say and if I did have kids id rather have jack skeleton visit but yeah i'm sure there would be people for that. .... unless they have a phobia of people in their houses