Head in gear?
Digestion back to normal?
Recovered from jetlag (mostly)?
It's good to have gone but bloody marvelous to be back
It was all very mindblowing
We were staying with our friends in Mumbai and from there we visited A place called Lonavla, then back to Mumbai. The second week we spent 4 days in Goa
Then finally, back to Mumbai to and then back home. These three places are relatively close together but the difference in cultures is vast. It's a shame we didn't get to see more of this amazing country.
Day 1.
Left home in the morning heading for Birmingham. Our friend Karen took us to the airport.
We went to check in and had our first supprise, we were on a Lufthansa flight to Frankfurt and then, Air India to Mumbai. How did this happen? It's standard practice apparently but we weren't told so felt like we'd been fleeced. Oh well, that's yet to be sorted.
12 Hours and 2 flights latter, we arrive in Mumbai at 4 am. Go through a bizzare customs bit and out into the cool morni, no wait, it's damn hot and humid. AT 4AM I ask you!
OUr firends are there to meet us and they drive us through the quite night time streets of the city to their appartment.
It's just getting light as we get there. We look out of their 14th floor balcony over the vast, smog hung sprawl that is Mumbai. Kites hover everywhere in the thermals from the towerblocks as the sity wakes up. A million car horns begin to sound as the absolutely lunatic spectacle of Mumbai traffic gets up to full capacity
It's all a bit much so we havr a coffee and settle in, looking forward to what else we'll experience
I'm not used to recounting things so I hope I'm doing ok.
Off to do stuff now. See ya soon
Got some pics up. There are more to come too
Digestion back to normal?
Recovered from jetlag (mostly)?
It's good to have gone but bloody marvelous to be back

It was all very mindblowing

We were staying with our friends in Mumbai and from there we visited A place called Lonavla, then back to Mumbai. The second week we spent 4 days in Goa

Then finally, back to Mumbai to and then back home. These three places are relatively close together but the difference in cultures is vast. It's a shame we didn't get to see more of this amazing country.
Day 1.
Left home in the morning heading for Birmingham. Our friend Karen took us to the airport.
We went to check in and had our first supprise, we were on a Lufthansa flight to Frankfurt and then, Air India to Mumbai. How did this happen? It's standard practice apparently but we weren't told so felt like we'd been fleeced. Oh well, that's yet to be sorted.
12 Hours and 2 flights latter, we arrive in Mumbai at 4 am. Go through a bizzare customs bit and out into the cool morni, no wait, it's damn hot and humid. AT 4AM I ask you!
OUr firends are there to meet us and they drive us through the quite night time streets of the city to their appartment.
It's just getting light as we get there. We look out of their 14th floor balcony over the vast, smog hung sprawl that is Mumbai. Kites hover everywhere in the thermals from the towerblocks as the sity wakes up. A million car horns begin to sound as the absolutely lunatic spectacle of Mumbai traffic gets up to full capacity

It's all a bit much so we havr a coffee and settle in, looking forward to what else we'll experience

I'm not used to recounting things so I hope I'm doing ok.
Off to do stuff now. See ya soon

Got some pics up. There are more to come too

It looks like you guys had so much fun!!!
What a beautiful place...Was it mostly at a resort? Oh I am jealous!!!!