There's a market on thursdays in AnjunaSo, today my tonsils don't hurt but everything else does. My head is full of nastyness and my body aches
I'm glad in a way coz I can fight a bad cold. Tonsils have caused me stress for 10 or more days in the past
Good news too
Apparently, there's a flea market in Anjuna, North Goa. Yay, Stuff
We're not taking many clothes either coz you can buy some nice comfortable stuff there.
You know that excited feeling people describe as butterflys? Well these are quantuum weather butterflys!
If i wasn't so poorly, I'd be bouncing off the walls

I'm glad in a way coz I can fight a bad cold. Tonsils have caused me stress for 10 or more days in the past

Good news too

We're not taking many clothes either coz you can buy some nice comfortable stuff there.
You know that excited feeling people describe as butterflys? Well these are quantuum weather butterflys!
If i wasn't so poorly, I'd be bouncing off the walls

Oh, still sick! This flesh is ever so burdonsome! At least you have cool dreadlocks!! I never thought butterflies, though. I always feel more like ants, or spiders. People just say that because no one wants to think of spiders in your stomach, but what about the poor butterflies! They don't want to be there either!!!