I really like this site. It cheers me up no end
especially after a crap day wandering about in bleak weather. I like how lovely, cool people say things to make me smile (and fall about laughing sometimes). Thanks to those people
I've got tatoo withdrawal at the mo. just had one NEED MORE
I may have to make do with a piercing for now. Hopefully I'll gat a call from Jen at Tradition 180 soon coz shes drawing up some ideas for my next piece.
Wow, Just got final confirmation that our trip to India is all systems go. Feeling ambivalent about it (excited and nervous). Not too happy about the huge range of innoculations but i guess it's better than getting some nasty illness
Millie, if I ever meet you I owe you a drink honey. I just found out I got in SGUK coz you vouched for me. The way you said it was sweet

I've got tatoo withdrawal at the mo. just had one NEED MORE

Wow, Just got final confirmation that our trip to India is all systems go. Feeling ambivalent about it (excited and nervous). Not too happy about the huge range of innoculations but i guess it's better than getting some nasty illness

Millie, if I ever meet you I owe you a drink honey. I just found out I got in SGUK coz you vouched for me. The way you said it was sweet

if you can...go to bhutan...the pretties place and the most unique one too!
She's a touch little cookie. she loves to play with puppies and little dogs. She's sweet to cats, people, and children. However don't you dare try to dominate this little one. never going to happen. Plus she thinks she's the only dog allowed in our whole building (including the parking lot). Funny little thing.
It's a good thing I don't have children cuz I'd be one of those gross moms showing everyone pictures. I'm bad enough with the "dog talk".