Oh well, another weekend, another two days to enjoy before the 5 days of work arrive again. It's a bad way of living but it helps get the cash for ink and music and going out. Speaking of which, my birthday soon, I'd better start looking for somewhere to go out for the full birthday mess up.
More Blogs
Wednesday Aug 17, 2005
I guess this is the last post I#ll do as my account is about to expir… -
Saturday Jun 25, 2005
Still here I'm gonna wait till my membership is up for renewal, th… -
Saturday Jun 04, 2005
BOLLOCKS My girl has decided she's not too happy with me being an … -
Monday May 30, 2005
Wow, I had my first ride on my Girls horse in 3 years today. It was g… -
Tuesday May 24, 2005
Sorry I've not been too communicative for a while. I'm really busy, l… -
Monday May 16, 2005
It's a busy time at the moment. I'm feeling good about this though … -
Wednesday May 11, 2005
Wow! I've just joined a gym I've always thought the idea was pointl… -
Saturday May 07, 2005
It's the weekend Enjoy -
Friday May 06, 2005
I must be in a reflective mood or something. I'm wondering why we en… -
Wednesday May 04, 2005
Wow. I've just had a totally cool weekend We didn't really do a gre…
At least I do mine in block bookings but it does mean 2 weeks teetotallity(is that a word?). I'm back to work on Wednesday for 2 weeks so I'll do my xmas celebrations when I get home on the 5th Jan.
Enjoy your winter solstice knees up