T-minus 5 days and counting smile
I'm smiling alot at the moment, in a nervuos/excited kind of way smile puke ooo aaa ARRR!!! biggrin
I'm spending as much time as I can fussinf our dog, Ellie, coz I'm relly gonna miss her. I know she'll be well looked after though.
I wonder if there are internet cafes in Mumbia? That would be very cool. I'd beable to say Hi from India biggrin
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Yes do that biggrin
My cat just was out on the balcony making cute footprints in the snow smile
wink you are too sweet to me! If you get a pool table, let me know...I would be down. Is your girl hot? I bet she is a cutie. Still no pics though...
I managed to sort a car out today smile It's not expensive but it's big and swish compared to what I've had previously. 2 lt injection eeek To be honest though, I'm just glad I've got something. Normal everyday cars don't pique my interest. As long as it gets me to work, I'll be happy.
So Millie is shooting a set. She's lovely so, if you don't...
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well thank you biggrin

were are you going?
Thinking about things is very strange. Maybe due to being ill you have more time to do it. Maybe it focuses you more. Who knows (answers on the back of a email to blah, blah)?
It's all quite surreal at the mo. A moment of clarity reveals it's probably due to the mixture of drugs floating around my system. All legal stuff too, and just...
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I've heard they tast pretty gross! puke

Gross but necessary.

You have a safe trip too. What's the countdown?
Yeah, my pop lives in Nigeria, and I was going to go see him, (didn't work out for now) but when I do I will have to get a bunch of vaccinations tongue . Scary how some places can be so poisonous to us, but normal for the local inhabitants! You feeling better otherwise? kiss
I'm right pissed off with illness.
I was supprised this morning when Andrea passed me a brochure for Canada smile
You may think it somewhat premature to think about our next adventure but it takes a couple of years to save for it. I like the idea of Canada though, I love bears and forests and mountains and, well the list goes on smile
The only problem...
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South America!!!! You should definately go there!!! Not that there is anything wrong with Canada, the people are all really cool, and its a beautiful place, but South America is so exotic!! wink
sounds good smile
There's a market on thursdays in AnjunaSo, today my tonsils don't hurt but everything else does. My head is full of nastyness and my body aches frown
I'm glad in a way coz I can fight a bad cold. Tonsils have caused me stress for 10 or more days in the past eeek
Good news too smile Apparently, there's a flea market in Anjuna, North Goa. Yay, Stuff...
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Oh, still sick! This flesh is ever so burdonsome! At least you have cool dreadlocks!! I never thought butterflies, though. I always feel more like ants, or spiders. People just say that because no one wants to think of spiders in your stomach, but what about the poor butterflies! They don't want to be there either!!! biggrin
Tonsils, what's the point? I know they act as a first line of defence for your immune system, but do they really have to hurt so much frown frown
I don't normally do medication but at the mo, I have a stomach like a chemists shop. And I still feel crap.
It's like advance Karma, something good is soon going to happen so, to balance it out,...
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You should be drinking green and white tea! Ooooh, I love the holy grail and time bandits!!! Good call.
thanks for the recommendation! How come you don't have any pics of Andrea?? It makes me really happy to know that there are guys out there that enjoy uasing their tongue so much. my friend nate, (I just put a pic of him in my "more stuff" folder) is a master.. confused
Hello friends, new and old. How were your weekends? I had a lovely arguement wiyh my gran mad That was harsh, but I really can't abide racism, even if she is old and set in her ways, the silly old mare.
I think a boycot of Mothers day is in order smile
Less than 2 weeks to go now, what a great time to get a sore...
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Well, I am sorry you had an argument this weekend. I had kind of a rough weekend, at least Sunday. Sunday's have been really really sucky for the past few months. I just need to stop caring what people think about me so much, and just learn to do my own thing more.

I must say though, little British-isms in your journal entries make me really happy! Have a good week! smile
soz bout the row, not long now and i'm missing you already frown
Aaaargh eeek just realised, my cars mot runs out very soon. It's never gonna pass so I gotta get a new car. For no money frown
I guess that puts paid to any thought of a digital camera. Bollocks, bugger and shite.
On a better note, we've arranged to stay a couple of days in a hill station in India smile They're hotels left over from the...
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no! umm buffy, spike,
got it on ebay, they came in speacial boxes
pretty dreads!! I love dreads. You're going to India?! I am so jealous. Are you Helping out tsunami victims? well, have fun. don't worry about your car, they're bad and expensive. Buy a digital camera instead!!! miao!!
Three weeks to go 'till we're off to India smile Still in two minds about getting a digital camera though.
I'm going to miss the Chubbydog too frown She'll be well looked after by our friend and kept company by his dogs so that's not too bad.
Isnt it great when people go to great effort to give you a good night? We we're invited over to...
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your gonna need a digital camera thery're great . and all i have to take pic's of is my fav shoes smile

i love you so much, your a great person, unless you secretly hurting kittens in a ware house to make kitten coats.

hope will be able to go to a uk meet together, with your girl and my boy. smile smile smile smile
Aooow frown I had two jabs yesterday, now both arms feel like I got kicked by a horse!
I can't complain though. I've been jabbed by bigger needles in the name of pleasure. I got one ear pierced by a 2.3mm medicut to start a tunnel wink
Plus, I'd much rather have sore arms than polio eeek
aww poor you

my photoshop was gooood smile
yes you should wink
Has anyone got any hot weather clothing they don't want anymore? I was looking around for some stuff recently. Have you seen the price of some of that shit eeek Rohan make the best stuff but you need a lottery win to afford it.
I'm in two minds about getting a digital camera to take. Some folk think it would be a target for being stolen/highlight...
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Will there not be many cheap clothes out there? One of my friends brings rucksacks full back and then fly pitches at the festies. I got several pairs of 'fishermans' trousers from her; light cotton, one size fits all and very comfortable.
thanks for your comments. I am familiar with everything that you said. Maybe it would help you if I told you that it gets easier to say NO the longer you are 'free'? I avoid the spliffs with baccy, because they have been THE thing that has made me start again. Anyway sounds like you are sorted and free most of the time anyway, maybe you just need to press that pipe into action ; ) social shmoking rituals!
1 Month 'till We're off to India biggrin biggrin After this week I'm in serious need of some hot, sunny beach action! I looked on a world weather site and, apparently, 30-35 degrees is normal for March smile We may pop over to Dubai for a couple of days if we have time. We'll see. I'm seeing Andrea and me on a quiet beach in South Goa, chilling...
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you are a lucky man. india plus good company. envy.
Awww, thank you! you are too kind! and yeah, if you were single, boy would you be in for it!!!! kiss