Ugh...I love living in So Cal but sometimes there are sooooo many things to do in one night and I can't decide!!
Tuesday, Sept. 6th.......
Scarling at Cinespace...
FiveMinuteRide and Take the Crown at the Troubadour (which SweetLilJill wants me to go with her to because she wants to molest the drummer of FMR and has been itching to do so for quite some time...
and 400 Blows and Hella at the Knitting Factory...
The boy wants to see Scarling...I'm holding out for 400 Blows...but we all know how persuasive I can I think I will prevail in this one...
I was just I boring now that I'm not single's almost like my life was all dramatic and exciting (perhaps not in a good way?) when I was single...and now I'm all uninteresting or something....hmmm....weird....
I'm here at Adam's battling a severe flu....sooo shitty...I had to call in sick to my temp job at Hot Topic HQ today...lame.
I'm doing this temp stuff cause I got fired AGAIN! Again, you ask? Again, my friend...but I plead a good reason....reposted from MySpace...
...was at the boy's house in LA... up at 7:30 am to move my car (street sweeping) my tired sleep stupor i locked my keys in the car...
...which I didn't realize until it was time to leave at 2pm...
...called Triple A via 1-800 number on pay phone... online and had Jill call my work (no phone yet, boy at work and no change) and tell them I would be about an hour late...
...they said it was ok...
...came in a little after 4...
...and I was fired...
so yeah
I feel like hell right now. Fuck being sick. It's wicked retarded...
ps I'm recuperating at his house right now, and I was putting an address into the browser when POW!! Discovered his free porn stash!! Hahaha....Teen Hitchhikers? I'm cracking up right now....amazing...I love my teen hitchhiker-loving boyfriend...
pps Apnea and Benni's Candyass set totally got me laid the other night...hahaha...I was showing him how hot the pics were...and he got...excited...hahaha...thanks SuicideGirls!!
Tuesday, Sept. 6th.......
Scarling at Cinespace...
FiveMinuteRide and Take the Crown at the Troubadour (which SweetLilJill wants me to go with her to because she wants to molest the drummer of FMR and has been itching to do so for quite some time...
and 400 Blows and Hella at the Knitting Factory...
The boy wants to see Scarling...I'm holding out for 400 Blows...but we all know how persuasive I can I think I will prevail in this one...

I was just I boring now that I'm not single's almost like my life was all dramatic and exciting (perhaps not in a good way?) when I was single...and now I'm all uninteresting or something....hmmm....weird....
I'm here at Adam's battling a severe flu....sooo shitty...I had to call in sick to my temp job at Hot Topic HQ today...lame.
I'm doing this temp stuff cause I got fired AGAIN! Again, you ask? Again, my friend...but I plead a good reason....reposted from MySpace...
...was at the boy's house in LA... up at 7:30 am to move my car (street sweeping) my tired sleep stupor i locked my keys in the car...
...which I didn't realize until it was time to leave at 2pm...
...called Triple A via 1-800 number on pay phone... online and had Jill call my work (no phone yet, boy at work and no change) and tell them I would be about an hour late...
...they said it was ok...
...came in a little after 4...
...and I was fired...
so yeah
I feel like hell right now. Fuck being sick. It's wicked retarded...
ps I'm recuperating at his house right now, and I was putting an address into the browser when POW!! Discovered his free porn stash!! Hahaha....Teen Hitchhikers? I'm cracking up right now....amazing...I love my teen hitchhiker-loving boyfriend...
pps Apnea and Benni's Candyass set totally got me laid the other night...hahaha...I was showing him how hot the pics were...and he got...excited...hahaha...thanks SuicideGirls!!

haha...i love it when that happens!
You never respond to my comments anymore, you ass.