So...I had an extremely craptacular/extremely sad/extremely fun night...but first a little background.
A few of you know about the security crushboy from work...but I guess I never took the time to explain the sitch in my journal.
To make a REALLY long story short, I met an awesome guy named Jerry who works security for our sister venue, the Malibu Inn- he works my venue occasionally. We hit it off right away and we worked together for 2 nights. We worked directly with each other and we talked for the first night for 7 hours, the second for 8. He's extremely cute and funny and blahblahblah. I got him coffee when he was really needing some and he bought me lunch. Everyone messed with us all night about liking each other. So yeah- I totally dug him. And he definitely dug me. All was happy in Chris world.
I hadn't seen him in a few weeks, and I was kinda bummed. But the other security guards figured out that we liked each other and they took it upon themselves to make him work all this weekend, for the express purpose of me getting to see him and ask him out. So I was extremely excited at the prospect of seeing him. I even bought new clothes!! Hahaha. I was feeling quite foxy with my new nipple and nose piercings (by the way, I got the other side of my nose pierced the other day) and new awesome clothes.
So tonight I came in and Jovan, one of the head security guards tells me, "So i talked to our boy Jerry and he was like...dude i just got out of a serious relationship-don't even talk to me about any girls right now."
Which I thought was kind of a shitty response to the news that someone you got along with really well likes you. Needless to say, I was bummed...but what can I do?? And then Ms. Wicked Awesome Chris turned into Ms. Awkward Shy and Feeling Stupid Chris.
But I figured I would just play it cool and try not to feel so sad and kinda lame.
But...he acted weird with me ALL night.
He totally blew me off on the dance floor. Ozomatli were performing, and I begged to get off early to watch them because they are AWESOME. I was dancing around with the other workers, boogying down with my bad self and kinda going up to the security guards and dancing on them. Just being kinda goofy and fun and silly. So I see him on the floor at the end of their set, when they do their percussion thing in the crowd and I go up to him and start dancing. He looks at me, says boredly, "Hey", and then WALKS AWAY. Fucking BURN.
And then I'd totally go out of my way to talk to and go see him...he was working the VIP room, and he would barely say anything and was fucking like...text messaging one of his friends all night. Yeah...what the hell?
I guess I was trying to show him that 'Hey, I like you and all, but I'm not a psycho." But his attitude SUCKED. A complete 180 from the guy I talked to a few weeks ago. He didn't even seem like the same person.
And the plot thickens...the security guard who told me the whole thing about Jerry not wanting any girls right now asked me out.
So the whole thing is seeming kinda shady. I am thinking maybe Jovan kinda had an agenda of his own and told Jerry that I liked him, but like, in a 16 year-old kinda stalkerish way. I mean, I would joke around and be like, "Hey Jovan, how come my boyfriend isn't working today?" but it was all in jest. But maybe he told him that and it scared him off or something.
I'm just pissed.
Kinda confused.
Wondering what happened.
Cause he was really into me last time i saw him. There was definitely something there.
I have never hit it off with a guy so much. At the very least, I wanted to be his friend, but obviously he is pretty damn immature and probably can't even handle that. The guy is 30 for chrissakes. Why does he have to act like a fucking seventh grader?
So I was like, whatever...and proceeded to dance my little butt off all night. I chose a stragetic location right under where he was and danced with like, all the boys on the staff. All crazy salsa and dramatic-like...just to show him that I'm not all torn up about him not being into me anymore (even though deep down I am). If I moped around, it just gives him more power over my feelings and FUCK THAT! He doesn't deserve that power for being such a goddamn douche. I went and had a great time and everyone told me that he was watching me dance the whole time. Good for him. He can watch all he wants. I refuse to let his lameness cramp MY style.
Everyone else was telling me..."Chris, don't bother being sad over him. I would be stoked if a hot young and fun 21-year old like you was into me. You are awesome, outgoing and one of the best-looking girls here.It is his loss and he is not worth your sorrow."
(but I am still a little sad
Although I am sure my lunch with Carlos later on should make me feel a bit better.
My favorite boy and my favorite restaurant = cheered up Chris, I think...
p.s. My goddam car cd player broke...does anyone have any hookups with either like a repair dude or someone that can hook me up with installation? If I need to get a new one, that's lame, but I'll do it...but I'd like to bypass installation fees if possible. This is killing me, not having my music. I drive 50 miles round trip every day to and from work and my cds are what keep me from going totally fucking nuts. I'll hook you and your hookup person with tickets to any show that you want to see at The Vault in Long Beach...VIP even!! Thanks!!
A few of you know about the security crushboy from work...but I guess I never took the time to explain the sitch in my journal.
To make a REALLY long story short, I met an awesome guy named Jerry who works security for our sister venue, the Malibu Inn- he works my venue occasionally. We hit it off right away and we worked together for 2 nights. We worked directly with each other and we talked for the first night for 7 hours, the second for 8. He's extremely cute and funny and blahblahblah. I got him coffee when he was really needing some and he bought me lunch. Everyone messed with us all night about liking each other. So yeah- I totally dug him. And he definitely dug me. All was happy in Chris world.
I hadn't seen him in a few weeks, and I was kinda bummed. But the other security guards figured out that we liked each other and they took it upon themselves to make him work all this weekend, for the express purpose of me getting to see him and ask him out. So I was extremely excited at the prospect of seeing him. I even bought new clothes!! Hahaha. I was feeling quite foxy with my new nipple and nose piercings (by the way, I got the other side of my nose pierced the other day) and new awesome clothes.
So tonight I came in and Jovan, one of the head security guards tells me, "So i talked to our boy Jerry and he was like...dude i just got out of a serious relationship-don't even talk to me about any girls right now."
Which I thought was kind of a shitty response to the news that someone you got along with really well likes you. Needless to say, I was bummed...but what can I do?? And then Ms. Wicked Awesome Chris turned into Ms. Awkward Shy and Feeling Stupid Chris.

But...he acted weird with me ALL night.
He totally blew me off on the dance floor. Ozomatli were performing, and I begged to get off early to watch them because they are AWESOME. I was dancing around with the other workers, boogying down with my bad self and kinda going up to the security guards and dancing on them. Just being kinda goofy and fun and silly. So I see him on the floor at the end of their set, when they do their percussion thing in the crowd and I go up to him and start dancing. He looks at me, says boredly, "Hey", and then WALKS AWAY. Fucking BURN.
And then I'd totally go out of my way to talk to and go see him...he was working the VIP room, and he would barely say anything and was fucking like...text messaging one of his friends all night. Yeah...what the hell?
I guess I was trying to show him that 'Hey, I like you and all, but I'm not a psycho." But his attitude SUCKED. A complete 180 from the guy I talked to a few weeks ago. He didn't even seem like the same person.
And the plot thickens...the security guard who told me the whole thing about Jerry not wanting any girls right now asked me out.
So the whole thing is seeming kinda shady. I am thinking maybe Jovan kinda had an agenda of his own and told Jerry that I liked him, but like, in a 16 year-old kinda stalkerish way. I mean, I would joke around and be like, "Hey Jovan, how come my boyfriend isn't working today?" but it was all in jest. But maybe he told him that and it scared him off or something.
I'm just pissed.
Kinda confused.
Wondering what happened.
Cause he was really into me last time i saw him. There was definitely something there.
I have never hit it off with a guy so much. At the very least, I wanted to be his friend, but obviously he is pretty damn immature and probably can't even handle that. The guy is 30 for chrissakes. Why does he have to act like a fucking seventh grader?
So I was like, whatever...and proceeded to dance my little butt off all night. I chose a stragetic location right under where he was and danced with like, all the boys on the staff. All crazy salsa and dramatic-like...just to show him that I'm not all torn up about him not being into me anymore (even though deep down I am). If I moped around, it just gives him more power over my feelings and FUCK THAT! He doesn't deserve that power for being such a goddamn douche. I went and had a great time and everyone told me that he was watching me dance the whole time. Good for him. He can watch all he wants. I refuse to let his lameness cramp MY style.
Everyone else was telling me..."Chris, don't bother being sad over him. I would be stoked if a hot young and fun 21-year old like you was into me. You are awesome, outgoing and one of the best-looking girls here.It is his loss and he is not worth your sorrow."
(but I am still a little sad

Although I am sure my lunch with Carlos later on should make me feel a bit better.

p.s. My goddam car cd player broke...does anyone have any hookups with either like a repair dude or someone that can hook me up with installation? If I need to get a new one, that's lame, but I'll do it...but I'd like to bypass installation fees if possible. This is killing me, not having my music. I drive 50 miles round trip every day to and from work and my cds are what keep me from going totally fucking nuts. I'll hook you and your hookup person with tickets to any show that you want to see at The Vault in Long Beach...VIP even!! Thanks!!
you LOVE to vent, and that's great, but. . .
lots of guys out there sweets, especially outside
of the OC.
But, it is cool to meet someone cool here. . . I
know the feeling.
P.S. Anika's right, ignore and he'll come to you => it's all psychological and shit.
That's a bad start though, so. . .maybe not the right guy, or more so - not the right Time.
[Edited on Oct 09, 2004 3:16AM]