Isn't sex soooo much better when you're in love??
And love so much better when the sex is amazing??
It's so weird that almost 2 months ago to the day...I was single...jobless...pretty much homeless...and then I met him...and it's like....KABLAM! (did I just say that?) my life changed sooo much. Now I'm FINALLY living in LA...have a good job...and I'm so fucking in love I don't know what to do with myself.
If you look at this journal....2 MONTHS can see what I felt the night I met him. For someone who has been so unlucky and fickle in the matters of love...I think I definitely foretold a lot of things with that entry, I mean, look...we're living together (moved in a month to the day that I met him), going to Vegas at Thanksgiving to meet his family...going to Hawaii for Xmas...we're going to get a place in Echo Park/Silverlake in May when the lease runs out......ah, domesticity,,,
There's only one thing...and it's minor...but it weighs on my mind from time to time. It seems that a lot of ex-girlfriends or people he used to date are still presences in his life. I'll meet girls that he's friends with and make a joke like, "She wants your balls" and it turns out they once dated. I guess it's hard for me to understand, since I have absolutely NO contact with Evan or Jerry anymore...and I like it that way. It's just something to get used to. But I get the feeling that some still like him. In recent days I've met a few girls...not even necessarily girls he's dated...just schoolmates...and they'll be nice and all but I'm not stupid. They're mentally gauging me...and I can tell from their voices and body language that they're crushing on him. He's a good catch and they know it.
Whatever. Their loss is my gain. These bitches need to get the net. They were stupid enough to let him go, and I'm smart enough to keep him.
And love so much better when the sex is amazing??

It's so weird that almost 2 months ago to the day...I was single...jobless...pretty much homeless...and then I met him...and it's like....KABLAM! (did I just say that?) my life changed sooo much. Now I'm FINALLY living in LA...have a good job...and I'm so fucking in love I don't know what to do with myself.
If you look at this journal....2 MONTHS can see what I felt the night I met him. For someone who has been so unlucky and fickle in the matters of love...I think I definitely foretold a lot of things with that entry, I mean, look...we're living together (moved in a month to the day that I met him), going to Vegas at Thanksgiving to meet his family...going to Hawaii for Xmas...we're going to get a place in Echo Park/Silverlake in May when the lease runs out......ah, domesticity,,,
There's only one thing...and it's minor...but it weighs on my mind from time to time. It seems that a lot of ex-girlfriends or people he used to date are still presences in his life. I'll meet girls that he's friends with and make a joke like, "She wants your balls" and it turns out they once dated. I guess it's hard for me to understand, since I have absolutely NO contact with Evan or Jerry anymore...and I like it that way. It's just something to get used to. But I get the feeling that some still like him. In recent days I've met a few girls...not even necessarily girls he's dated...just schoolmates...and they'll be nice and all but I'm not stupid. They're mentally gauging me...and I can tell from their voices and body language that they're crushing on him. He's a good catch and they know it.
Whatever. Their loss is my gain. These bitches need to get the net. They were stupid enough to let him go, and I'm smart enough to keep him.

asshat ...