my heart is growing, expanding and stretching. can my heart do yoga? I am filling with grace and joy. I can look at someone and know how they feel. It surprises people who are trying to hide how they feel, but to me it just so obvious. Like they are books opening to any page I choose. I can dance today, or paint, or make love. I want to.......i don't know what I want to do. I have faith it will come to me. Things manifest here.
There is a local artist whose work will be going up soon here. She was woken up late one night by a voice. She was directed to go outside around the campus and take pictures in the dark. She did, not knowing why she was doing it or what she was taking pictures of. When she had the pictures developed she was shocked. She had taken pictures of trees, grass, and.....orbs. Shining, geometric orbs. They are so beautiful and they just show up when she takes pictures. You can just stare and stare at her pictures and be filled with a wonder that is hard to describe.
There is a local artist whose work will be going up soon here. She was woken up late one night by a voice. She was directed to go outside around the campus and take pictures in the dark. She did, not knowing why she was doing it or what she was taking pictures of. When she had the pictures developed she was shocked. She had taken pictures of trees, grass, and.....orbs. Shining, geometric orbs. They are so beautiful and they just show up when she takes pictures. You can just stare and stare at her pictures and be filled with a wonder that is hard to describe.
they are like auras almost, wow ive never known a photographer that did that. id totally be interested in that. I had them show up all around me when I was at my poppys funeral. I should send you the picture.