Well what have I been up to in the last couple of weeks you all ask? well maybe you wont ask but I will tell all anyway. Ive been having problems with my landlady for a while and have finally decided its not worth the hassle anymore, ive got a new flat in scarborough and I dont like it
I think ive been spoilt having a house with a driveway and garden in a small village in the countryside and I cant handle living in a top floor flat in the town centre. It sounds shite but even walking out of the front door onto a street full of people seems really wierd and I start feeling proper paranoid hehe. Ive still got to move all my furniture and everything from snainton to scarborough and I havent got a clue how im gonna move it all (plus I cant be arsed to sort it all out) My internet isnt properly set up yet so I wont be on here much for a while but hopefully it will all be sorted soon. Im hoping that once ive paid the bond and everything on this new place im gonna have enough money to go to the SGUK meet in birmingham still but I reckon money is gonna be super tight this month. Oh well, I will write again once my internet is sorted soon hopefully, tatty bye x

Ok, let me know hun cos its not that long away now! I sent you the trian tikes, right? And you have my number anyhow, so let me know asap. Should be crazy fun haha x
Hope everythings sorted by now.When i first moved out i went from a house to a flat above a nightclub in a road where there was a train station.As you can imagine,nightmare.So i sympathise! Hope its not too shitty xx