Well what have I been up to in the last couple of weeks you all ask? well maybe you wont ask but I will tell all anyway. Ive been having problems with my landlady for a while and have finally decided its not worth the hassle anymore, ive got a new flat in scarborough and I dont like it
I think ive been spoilt having...
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Ok, let me know hun cos its not that long away now! I sent you the trian tikes, right? And you have my number anyhow, so let me know asap. Should be crazy fun haha x
Hope everythings sorted by now.When i first moved out i went from a house to a flat above a nightclub in a road where there was a train station.As you can imagine,nightmare.So i sympathise! Hope its not too shitty xx
Todays challenge is to write a blog without anything depressing or shitty in it, is not really hard to do because I havent done anything since the last time I wrote other than work a few days and socialise hehe. I have been out every night for a week now and still managed to get up for work on time (even if I have felt...
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Hey sweetie,
Thought I would check in and say hello...
I think as you get older you grow into your own skin and accept people and yourself..
Depends what colour your hair is like at the moment. To go as red as I did I didn't even use bleach I used Schwarzkopf Live Colour XXL which does the trick as it lightens your hair in the process...
Kat xxx
Thought I would check in and say hello...
I think as you get older you grow into your own skin and accept people and yourself..
Depends what colour your hair is like at the moment. To go as red as I did I didn't even use bleach I used Schwarzkopf Live Colour XXL which does the trick as it lightens your hair in the process...
Kat xxx
Well since the last time I wrote ive pretty much been running around trying to find a new job and stuff and looking for a new house to move into. The job hunting is going absolutely shite but luckily ive been able to work a few hours in a pub when its been busy so ive got a few more pennies, which I need cause...
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I hope the job hunting goes a bit better!
Thanks for the add !
Thanks for the add !

glad to be of service. x x
Just before christmas I got a new job and everything seemed mint. I told all my family how good it was going and how much I was enjoying it and that everything was finally sorting itself out for me, I couldnt believe how well everything seemed to be going but then last friday an e-mail was sent to my workplace from head office saying that...
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I have never written anything in here before really because i dont think anyone reads it or would be interested if they read it anyway but I thought I would make a small effort anyway tonight because I feel like im starting to sort my life out a bit now.
Since the start of this year it has felt like my life has been going...
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Since the start of this year it has felt like my life has been going...
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You sound like you have had a crap time...me too this year. We should go for a drink and ramble at each other

well my names chris and i've been an alcoholic for two years now. im a chef but i only work so i can support my many drug habits ( class 'a' only). ermm i suppose its all my friend barrys fault really as he introduced me to Scarboroughs shady underworld and drinking dens and changed me from been a super intelligent genius that was probably...
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