March Randomness...
You know. Just random stuff that's been going on lately. Some highlights...
I sold Film Threat
Some of you might have heard that I sold my web site Film Threat at Sundance. Here's the piece in Variety about it. I'm really excited because now I can focus solely on film and TV projects as well as a new book I plan to write about my 25 years doing Film Threat. Mark just recently relaunched the Film Threat site and it's better than ever!
The announcement of the sale was captured on video at Sundance...

While I was at Sundance, Mark and I went to our favorite pizza place in Park City.

And here's a pic someone altered of Mark Bell and I after the Film Threat announcement. Or as I like to call it, the ashcan version of issue 1 of Mark & Chris where you learn where we got our powers. Okay. That was too geeky even for me.

Get Set... GO!
I have loved the undiscovered Los Angeles band Get Set Go for years and they are playing every Wednesday in March at the Olde Towne Pub in Pasadena. I'll be there every Wednesday. Such cool dudes. And here's my absolute favorite Get Set Go song...
I only feel this way about a few people. But they deserve it.
Team Coco
During one of the biggest rainstorms in recent LA history, I went to the Conan O'Brien rally at NBC. I believe I dressed appropriately...

I also shot this video of Asian Leno fighting Asian Conan. I know. I still have to get used to orienting the iPhone camera right. Still funny.
Fuck Leno!

Go to Health!
This kind of expresses my thoughts about health care... and the fact that, as a society, we seem to be devolving into bigger and bigger assholes.

OCD or Oh So Awesome...

I've never liked corporate logos, so I often replace them with stickers of things I personally like. Anyway, this is what my bathroom spread looks like when I travel.
Tim Burton in NYC...
I was in New York recently and saw Tim Burton's MOMA show. It was amazing, but they did not allow any photos. I even was yelled at for taking a picture of the entrance. They had many original Burton paintings, there were his old sketchbooks from CAL Arts, and the best part was seeing his old Super 8 shorts he made as a kid. Tim's little animated movies were so charming and you could see his creativity even from an early age. Unfortunately, I did catch Burton's Alice in Wonderland and, aside from Helena Bonham Carter and Johnny Depp, it was kind of a mess.
Anyway, if you are in NYC anytime soon, check it out. Here are a few pics I snapped...

Bat on the Brain!
You already know that I'm a little obsessed with all things Dark Knight-related. Noir knitted this batty hat for me years ago, but I've been playing a bit of Bioshock 2 while wearing it. It just feels right. And it's very comfortable. Perhaps in the future, we'll all wear fashionably comfortable masks.

And here's the result of my latest bat-related projects. What can I say? I'm a detail oriented dude. And I figured out how to put in a pole in my house to get to the first floor. That may be going to far, but it would be cool to have two poles labeled "Dick" and "Bruce."

Silver Siren...

I love seeing bizarre videos like this one of a naked woman painted entirely in sliver.. I hope I get to meet her someday.
Hurts so good...
I think I really hurt her... but in a good way. I've just never seen a woman's ass bruise in a way that left such a shape. I do recommend practicing spanking on ham or meat. It's paid off for me apparently.

Sometimes I can be poetic...
So, I wrote this little poem for a girl I've been seeing lately. Am I in love or just fucking her? Not sure yet... Anyway, the tone I was going for was a BDSM Dr. Seuss vibe.
You will... (...follow these instructions)
You will dress like a whore
when you answer the door.
You will do what I say
and without delay.
You will give in to me,
anytime, anywhere.
You will carefully shave,
leaving just a bit of hair.
You will put on a porn
we can watch together.
As you model for me
your latex and leather.
You will suck on my cock,
get it hard as a rock.
You'll bend over the bed,
while I give you head.
You'll kneel and you'll beg
while I tie up your leg.
You will shower away...
all the filth, sweat and cum.
And with my cock in your mouth,
you will pleasantly hum.
You will set up a camera and pose nude for me.
You'll do anything I ask, even pee.

You know. Just random stuff that's been going on lately. Some highlights...
I sold Film Threat
Some of you might have heard that I sold my web site Film Threat at Sundance. Here's the piece in Variety about it. I'm really excited because now I can focus solely on film and TV projects as well as a new book I plan to write about my 25 years doing Film Threat. Mark just recently relaunched the Film Threat site and it's better than ever!
The announcement of the sale was captured on video at Sundance...

While I was at Sundance, Mark and I went to our favorite pizza place in Park City.

And here's a pic someone altered of Mark Bell and I after the Film Threat announcement. Or as I like to call it, the ashcan version of issue 1 of Mark & Chris where you learn where we got our powers. Okay. That was too geeky even for me.

Get Set... GO!
I have loved the undiscovered Los Angeles band Get Set Go for years and they are playing every Wednesday in March at the Olde Towne Pub in Pasadena. I'll be there every Wednesday. Such cool dudes. And here's my absolute favorite Get Set Go song...
I only feel this way about a few people. But they deserve it.
Team Coco
During one of the biggest rainstorms in recent LA history, I went to the Conan O'Brien rally at NBC. I believe I dressed appropriately...

I also shot this video of Asian Leno fighting Asian Conan. I know. I still have to get used to orienting the iPhone camera right. Still funny.
Fuck Leno!

Go to Health!
This kind of expresses my thoughts about health care... and the fact that, as a society, we seem to be devolving into bigger and bigger assholes.

OCD or Oh So Awesome...

I've never liked corporate logos, so I often replace them with stickers of things I personally like. Anyway, this is what my bathroom spread looks like when I travel.
Tim Burton in NYC...
I was in New York recently and saw Tim Burton's MOMA show. It was amazing, but they did not allow any photos. I even was yelled at for taking a picture of the entrance. They had many original Burton paintings, there were his old sketchbooks from CAL Arts, and the best part was seeing his old Super 8 shorts he made as a kid. Tim's little animated movies were so charming and you could see his creativity even from an early age. Unfortunately, I did catch Burton's Alice in Wonderland and, aside from Helena Bonham Carter and Johnny Depp, it was kind of a mess.
Anyway, if you are in NYC anytime soon, check it out. Here are a few pics I snapped...

Bat on the Brain!
You already know that I'm a little obsessed with all things Dark Knight-related. Noir knitted this batty hat for me years ago, but I've been playing a bit of Bioshock 2 while wearing it. It just feels right. And it's very comfortable. Perhaps in the future, we'll all wear fashionably comfortable masks.

And here's the result of my latest bat-related projects. What can I say? I'm a detail oriented dude. And I figured out how to put in a pole in my house to get to the first floor. That may be going to far, but it would be cool to have two poles labeled "Dick" and "Bruce."

Silver Siren...

I love seeing bizarre videos like this one of a naked woman painted entirely in sliver.. I hope I get to meet her someday.
Hurts so good...
I think I really hurt her... but in a good way. I've just never seen a woman's ass bruise in a way that left such a shape. I do recommend practicing spanking on ham or meat. It's paid off for me apparently.

Sometimes I can be poetic...
So, I wrote this little poem for a girl I've been seeing lately. Am I in love or just fucking her? Not sure yet... Anyway, the tone I was going for was a BDSM Dr. Seuss vibe.
You will... (...follow these instructions)
You will dress like a whore
when you answer the door.
You will do what I say
and without delay.
You will give in to me,
anytime, anywhere.
You will carefully shave,
leaving just a bit of hair.
You will put on a porn
we can watch together.
As you model for me
your latex and leather.
You will suck on my cock,
get it hard as a rock.
You'll bend over the bed,
while I give you head.
You'll kneel and you'll beg
while I tie up your leg.
You will shower away...
all the filth, sweat and cum.
And with my cock in your mouth,
you will pleasantly hum.
You will set up a camera and pose nude for me.
You'll do anything I ask, even pee.

Also, you know SXSW won't be the same without me. Bah.