This is Halloween...
Halloween is so awesome and my favorite holiday. In fact, why can't we have this holiday twice a year?
I carved these Jack Skellington pumpkins on Halloween and after sitting outside my place for an hour, were stolen. So a big FUCK YOU to all pumpkin-stealers!

My costume is a secret, but it includes handcuffs... which is a clue. With Zoetica at Ruin's Grimm's Fairy Tale Ball on Halloween eve.
Handcuffs... I'm carrying an award... you could guess? My costume kind of worked, but...

I needed this accessory to complete the look.

The lollipop brings it all home.

Sometimes sunglasses are appropriate to wear indoors.

I would have won that costume contest if I'd made my Roman Polanski outfit with a steam punk vibe.

This party got wild.

I Doubtfire that's really Robin Williams.

This is what I call Dr. Manhattan costume FAIL!

I mean, had this guy even seen Watchmen? He's blue!

Another party... another costume. Ash from Evil Dead is costume win!

Jim Halpert from NBC's The Office...



I has one.

Perfect for cutting cake...

ZKILFs... Zombie Killers I'd Like to Fuck. Ash from Evil Dead and Zoey from Left 4 Dead.

These pumpkins survived Halloween...

...for a li'l while before they became rotted out.

I'll be wearing a sad panda costume on the inside until October 31st, 2010.
Halloween is so awesome and my favorite holiday. In fact, why can't we have this holiday twice a year?
I carved these Jack Skellington pumpkins on Halloween and after sitting outside my place for an hour, were stolen. So a big FUCK YOU to all pumpkin-stealers!

My costume is a secret, but it includes handcuffs... which is a clue. With Zoetica at Ruin's Grimm's Fairy Tale Ball on Halloween eve.

Handcuffs... I'm carrying an award... you could guess? My costume kind of worked, but...

I needed this accessory to complete the look.

The lollipop brings it all home.

Sometimes sunglasses are appropriate to wear indoors.

I would have won that costume contest if I'd made my Roman Polanski outfit with a steam punk vibe.

This party got wild.

I Doubtfire that's really Robin Williams.

This is what I call Dr. Manhattan costume FAIL!

I mean, had this guy even seen Watchmen? He's blue!

Another party... another costume. Ash from Evil Dead is costume win!

Jim Halpert from NBC's The Office...



I has one.

Perfect for cutting cake...

ZKILFs... Zombie Killers I'd Like to Fuck. Ash from Evil Dead and Zoey from Left 4 Dead.

These pumpkins survived Halloween...

...for a li'l while before they became rotted out.

I'll be wearing a sad panda costume on the inside until October 31st, 2010.

hey i saw your stint on g4 doing the reviews again, and i wanted to give you mad props as a lifetime member of chuck's fan club for wearing the survivor shirt. high five and them some

Maybe if you wear a hot pink thong!