4.30.09 2134. Waiting for jello to cool in the refrigerator. Work was slow today due to the rain coming down. It keeps the creeps at bay most of the time. Right as I was about to close shop today my friend came in with her 4 year old kid (she'll be 4 in a month so we'll call her 4) This kid is killer. She...
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mmmhmmm....i bet you wish you were watching!

4.25.09 0054. Sore and awake. Came home from work and hit the gym tonight. Feels really good to be back at it. Tightening up the diet too. I don't know why I never ate Jello but it's really good and barely has anything in it so it's a nice nighttime snack. It's got some sugar but at least it's real sugar and not some bullshit...
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Hey guy, with you to make me discover music, you have reason, Julie doiron can make use of a guitar
Nice song
* * *

Nice song

* * *

4.26.09. 0127. Tonight was a very real reminder of the months to come. This restlessness and anxiety always comes with the spring and summer seasons. It's like clockwork. I spent a lot of the night just walking around my town. Anything to not be in my room tonight. I can't be the only one who gets that feeling of impending doom when they come home...
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4.25.09 0116. It's hot in here. It's not usually hot in here. It got up to eighty degrees today and it reminded me of what's to come soon. Endless nights spent sweating in my bed wishing I could do something to fall asleep. I've tried sleeping pills before but they seem to just make me more spaced in the morning than help me get a...
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man, i wish i could forget to eat. i think about eating every ten minutes.
4.24.09 0847. Woke up before the alarm at 6:50am. I went to bed kind of late and I have no idea how I wake up that early. It's hard on the brain sometimes because it makes the days seem to last forever.
It's warm and beautiful here in Greensburg. For a while there you could hear thunder too and that's great.
Working on an article...
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It's warm and beautiful here in Greensburg. For a while there you could hear thunder too and that's great.
Working on an article...
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4.23.09 2245. My stomach is still killing me and my neck is sore from
sitting at this computer making a myspace for my shameless self promotion.
I'm listening to the Dirty Three's 'Cinder' album and it's great. There is
a song on there called "Great Waves" and it features Chan Marshall of Cat
Power singing. It is fucking incredible. I think that's actually how I...
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sitting at this computer making a myspace for my shameless self promotion.
I'm listening to the Dirty Three's 'Cinder' album and it's great. There is
a song on there called "Great Waves" and it features Chan Marshall of Cat
Power singing. It is fucking incredible. I think that's actually how I...
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4.23.09 0837. I really do not understand this weather here. It's not getting abouve 54 degrees today but tomorrow it's going to be 80! Gotta love southwestern Pennsylvania!!!
SO! Here I am on SuicideGirls. The Mike Watt Interview that I is going up on Saturday as far as I know. Be sure to check it out. Talking with that man was probably the high point...
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SO! Here I am on SuicideGirls. The Mike Watt Interview that I is going up on Saturday as far as I know. Be sure to check it out. Talking with that man was probably the high point...
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hahaha wtf? yeah, this world is incredible...And if you live in germany... argh they nedd a paper almost for everything...
Poland?! Germany?! I'd love to travel outside of the states sometime and see these places. It's always kind of an issue though due to money restrictions and job restrictions. What a bummer, right?
4.23.09. 0130. This is me trying to see if the mobile blog thing works.
Over and out.
Over and out.
good lookin' ink!
love love love neck tattoos.

Journal Transcription From Philly Trip.
4.22.09 Right now it's 0942 and I'm drinking coffee and getting ready to mail a friend some things. Here's how Philadelphia went down...
4.16.09. 0811. On the train. An Horse show is tonight and I'm excited. They crush. Right now I'm stuck in a shitty seat on the train with very little window to look out of.
1105. Woke up...
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4.22.09 Right now it's 0942 and I'm drinking coffee and getting ready to mail a friend some things. Here's how Philadelphia went down...
4.16.09. 0811. On the train. An Horse show is tonight and I'm excited. They crush. Right now I'm stuck in a shitty seat on the train with very little window to look out of.
1105. Woke up...
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My first blog.
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