I'm in a bit of a crisis that will hopefully be resolved soon. During the last few semesters, I've begun to seriously dislike my Knes classes. I originally went into this field because I wanted to help people. The desire is still there, but the classes that are supposed to be my favorites are the ones that I dread attending. Its become about how much my body is capable of and how competitive I can be instead of how I can learn to help those who can't even stand or walk. I've become more fit in the last several months, but this is because I my own efforts and not because of anything I've learned recently.
The people in my classes make things worse. I'm stuck with a bunch of kids (sorry, but they're more than 10 years younger than me) who, in a sense, are stuck in the glory days of high school athletics. This just isn't me. I was in the marching band, a soloist, and I excelled in AP English. I was the writer and the creative sort, and I was made fun of by the type of people who are now supposed to be my peers.
I guess what I am trying to say is that I'm considering another change. I somehow need to figure out what I want to do. I need to find my passion again. I still love to write, and I'm still winning awards for my short stories and other pieces. I just don't see myself making a living writing, though.
Have any of you ever had a crisis like this? I feel as though I shouldn't be going through this at 30...
The people in my classes make things worse. I'm stuck with a bunch of kids (sorry, but they're more than 10 years younger than me) who, in a sense, are stuck in the glory days of high school athletics. This just isn't me. I was in the marching band, a soloist, and I excelled in AP English. I was the writer and the creative sort, and I was made fun of by the type of people who are now supposed to be my peers.
I guess what I am trying to say is that I'm considering another change. I somehow need to figure out what I want to do. I need to find my passion again. I still love to write, and I'm still winning awards for my short stories and other pieces. I just don't see myself making a living writing, though.
Have any of you ever had a crisis like this? I feel as though I shouldn't be going through this at 30...
I too have been there many times. I became a pharmacist at 21 to first "Turn Pro" and also to fund any future grad school/med school endeavors. It did for 34 years but I kept coming back to pharmacy for the bucks. I finally got a letter in June from our attorney general Jerry brown for telling my boss to fuck off, and I have to go to court in Feb. What a crock! So I may find myself in the same dilemma. I think the best thing to do is to stay true to your own feelings and instincts about how you define happiness. i like the journey of discovery that comes with exploration. I ran out of course work in grad school to take. i liked it all I wouldn't recommend pharmacy or medicine too many posers between you and the patient.
I like that new B/W picture on your profile, stunning as always !!