Is there a site that lets you post fake news? Kinda like The Daily Show, but instead of just spinning a news story and making fun of it. You'd just make crap up that could seem real. Or maybe be Daily Show wana-bes.
I got some good stuff brewing* in my head... maybe I'll just scribble it down somewhere.
Not like you care about the ramblings of a 19 year old who thinks his user picture is cool.
*"Brewing" is merely one of the words I was thinking of, "rumbling through my creativity machine" was another option, that might have been a better choice...
I got some good stuff brewing* in my head... maybe I'll just scribble it down somewhere.
Not like you care about the ramblings of a 19 year old who thinks his user picture is cool.
*"Brewing" is merely one of the words I was thinking of, "rumbling through my creativity machine" was another option, that might have been a better choice...