Fuck, You.
So tonight was interesting, to say the least.
Went with Peas to see Combichrist at Das Bunker, saw them a few nights ago with her at The Wiltern. Great group.
Anyway, as to be expected (though, still not wanted) drunk people started being stupid (or maybe just stupid people being... stupid), by jumping around into people and pushing everyone in one direction. Which is all fine and dandy, until you start annoying me or the person I'm there with.
So anyway, some douche starting being an ass to the people behind us, which in turn ruins our (I guess mine specifically, not sure how Heather felt) fun. So now he's on my radar and the more the people behind us complain and all that, the more aggravated I get. So somehow he gets to the front and everyone is fine...
And then there's this asshole (to quote Penn Jillette):
There's a ruckus at the front and to the right of us and a group of people are getting pushed back to get out of this loser's way. Well after about three instances of that, the culprit stumbles into my view and begins his douchebagery in front of me. Bad idea. Without hesitation, as soon as he got close enough I grabbed for his neck to pull him around and push him toward the back of the crowd. Well, as it were, he was drunk, causing him to stumble, then turn around and try to reach for me. It was rather amusing with his: what-are-you-doing drunken look on his face. At this point I've given my camera to Heather, and have yelled at the dude "Get the FUCK outta here!" and giving a rather umpire-like hand gesture.
So he then tries to reach for me, which I easily avoid and try my luck at pushing him to the left of the crowd... his he promptly falls down.
So, now he's on the floor still with his: what-are-you-doing look upon his face. He then reaches up, expecting me to help him to his feet. Which I promptly reply with a middle-finger to his face and a helping of "FUCK YOU! Get the FUCK outta here!". After that some people helped him to his feet, which he proceeded to reach for me again; deflecting, but he was able to get a hold of my hoodie [note: don't have a hoodie on when in a physical altercation; prime choke real estate]. Now a group of people are pulling him away and I'm prying his fingers off my hoodie.
That was essentially it, now though, people began applauding me. Not clapping mind you, but simple: "You won dude", "Awesome, seriously, that guy was being an asshole", "Way to go man! *hand up for high five*". Which is nice, I guess... but I didn't do it for the compliments or offerings of high fives.
I did it because I don't like people wasting my time and/or ruining a concert I paid good money for to see. I especially don't want someone to ruin the time of the person accompanying me. There were some other incidents earlier that prompted Heather to grab my arm, I presumed it to mean she needed help (some loser was trying to rub up on her... typical). This sort of thing shot me straight into my protective mode. In which I don't give a shit about what I'm there for; now it's all about making sure no one messes with my friend (sounds cheesy I know, but it's true... probably another post for another day).
I think that's the end of the story... if I'm missing anything, maybe Peas can fill it in.
Oh, and I took some pictures. Who knows if they came out.
Right now, I feel like:
So tonight was interesting, to say the least.
Went with Peas to see Combichrist at Das Bunker, saw them a few nights ago with her at The Wiltern. Great group.
Anyway, as to be expected (though, still not wanted) drunk people started being stupid (or maybe just stupid people being... stupid), by jumping around into people and pushing everyone in one direction. Which is all fine and dandy, until you start annoying me or the person I'm there with.
So anyway, some douche starting being an ass to the people behind us, which in turn ruins our (I guess mine specifically, not sure how Heather felt) fun. So now he's on my radar and the more the people behind us complain and all that, the more aggravated I get. So somehow he gets to the front and everyone is fine...
And then there's this asshole (to quote Penn Jillette):
There's a ruckus at the front and to the right of us and a group of people are getting pushed back to get out of this loser's way. Well after about three instances of that, the culprit stumbles into my view and begins his douchebagery in front of me. Bad idea. Without hesitation, as soon as he got close enough I grabbed for his neck to pull him around and push him toward the back of the crowd. Well, as it were, he was drunk, causing him to stumble, then turn around and try to reach for me. It was rather amusing with his: what-are-you-doing drunken look on his face. At this point I've given my camera to Heather, and have yelled at the dude "Get the FUCK outta here!" and giving a rather umpire-like hand gesture.
So he then tries to reach for me, which I easily avoid and try my luck at pushing him to the left of the crowd... his he promptly falls down.
So, now he's on the floor still with his: what-are-you-doing look upon his face. He then reaches up, expecting me to help him to his feet. Which I promptly reply with a middle-finger to his face and a helping of "FUCK YOU! Get the FUCK outta here!". After that some people helped him to his feet, which he proceeded to reach for me again; deflecting, but he was able to get a hold of my hoodie [note: don't have a hoodie on when in a physical altercation; prime choke real estate]. Now a group of people are pulling him away and I'm prying his fingers off my hoodie.
That was essentially it, now though, people began applauding me. Not clapping mind you, but simple: "You won dude", "Awesome, seriously, that guy was being an asshole", "Way to go man! *hand up for high five*". Which is nice, I guess... but I didn't do it for the compliments or offerings of high fives.
I did it because I don't like people wasting my time and/or ruining a concert I paid good money for to see. I especially don't want someone to ruin the time of the person accompanying me. There were some other incidents earlier that prompted Heather to grab my arm, I presumed it to mean she needed help (some loser was trying to rub up on her... typical). This sort of thing shot me straight into my protective mode. In which I don't give a shit about what I'm there for; now it's all about making sure no one messes with my friend (sounds cheesy I know, but it's true... probably another post for another day).
I think that's the end of the story... if I'm missing anything, maybe Peas can fill it in.
Oh, and I took some pictures. Who knows if they came out.
Right now, I feel like:

happy birthday!!...