Let see, don't feel like writing a spiel (hey that rhymes...) so I'll give you the short version.
New work position, more pay
Same tattoos, a new one on the way
No girl [see: "still"]
Still in school, learning a lot, hating the kid that sits behind me and the middle-aged guy that sits in front and to the left
Trying to eat better, going somewhat well
Trying to exercise, raising the remote ain't cuttin' it
Trying to regain a social life... not many to work with
Thats about it.
New work position, more pay
Same tattoos, a new one on the way
No girl [see: "still"]
Still in school, learning a lot, hating the kid that sits behind me and the middle-aged guy that sits in front and to the left
Trying to eat better, going somewhat well
Trying to exercise, raising the remote ain't cuttin' it

Trying to regain a social life... not many to work with
Thats about it.
the second pic was adorable! much better haha
sounds exhilerating