i was shopping again, with my father, he was getting...the salad bar? i had a piece of fruit and a little stolen cantalope. i was going to buy a pair of jeans after a premonition about the future coldness of the days, but i was rejected. then came garcia's, the others and i's escape from these assault weapon wielding guys who shot both garcia and...
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so there was the submarine submerged while we struggled to stay afloat in the water, a fucking wierd feeling to be left behind. we decided we would just swim to nova scotia, and passed some other islands on the way, there were bikers. what was it a circus? a race? who knew? not us, we kept swimming. we survived. what a strange red shirt, looks...
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fat people cant use kalashkinovs silly.
You seem pretty proud of the fact that you're good at running. With your attitude, it's probably the best thing for you to be good at.
the fucking tank slid all the way down the street while it was on fire, but i got it to stop at the very edge, pulled my father out and we walked back to the building.
what s with everybody going to jail.? i ll probably be next, what with the interstate killing spree and me leaving all the victims alive...
anyone taking animal diseases I and animal breeds and behavior at nova on weds? *is
the anchorwoman from news channel nine wanted to buy my puppy but we told her no. fuck channel nine.