someone actually shot at us while we riding in the back of a truck. it sounded like a 9mm. if my comrade had not told me to jump i may not have been here to write this.

fake sharks and crafty women. chemistry is a lie.
i was walking i came back and they had killed him. i was so upset i threw chairs through the office windows.

shopping for halloween, i was going to get a cape.
-boy scouts? mr. barnett telling me i had low blood sugar, and high blood pressure. dumb fuck tried to give me some milk. needless to say i passed out.

crazy shit with a...
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went and used a arab public bathroom, i was surprised that they had such a clean civilized looking place in what i thought was the middle of the desert. guitars, about to smoke a bowl but i fucking woke up covered in sweat.
jeff man don t lean out the window like that i could barely hold on to you, and she drives like crazy.
when a white guy is racist to a black man; 'didn t your ass bring us here? i could ve sworn we were fine before you all came along with the metal chains and the new ideas'
too late to go back.
i was playing drums, had to warm up. i focused and things got a little clearer. there was other shit i don t much remember.
not saying jews shouldn t be allowed to be jewish in peace, but really y all killed jesus and founded our current epoch of civilization. so for now, respectfully, it s fucking war.
for those of you who have been wondering, yes i pushed the police car off t3h bridge. and although i didn t know he was standing right next to it and fell too, it was hilarious to see him flail about like a moron. and plus i saved the surfboard.
you re getting a ride home with terry? you have a home? it was real darkish. i thought i had some car but they were sleeping in it, which is way fucking better than me driving it, so i don t bother. myself, i can barely remember, but when i do i taste god.