Dear god ,
Help me.
Ughhhhhh ok I have a hair crisis and I need serious help lol . Let me give a brief summary of my situation .... I used to dye my hair black with some chunky bleach blonde highlights and then I decided I wanted to be a solid color of burgendy..... I ended up having to bleach all of my hair twice til it was this coppery mess of like 6 different shades and not to mention the black wudnt completely lift then I went to the hair place and they fukd it up n gave me this shitty ass red color w super bright red roots since I had outgrowth of virgin hair. So I went to walmrt n bought box color of burgendy and dyed over it and it was much closer to wat I wanted but faded super quick since originally I had a look of bleach highlights. I went to hot topic today and bought there store brand bleach that I hear so much about (and they failed to mention it was a small quantity n I needed 2boxes) and I got nowhere near the result I expected all it did was take the purple tint from my hair n left it red n only maybe it blondish where my old blond highlites used to be wtffff do I do!? I feel lik I'm never gonna be a solid color or be able to work w it n change it until I cut it all off n start frm scratch :/ any suggestions at all id greatly appreciate it. I'm feeln helpless w my hair n I dnt wana keep damaging it ovr n ovr!!!
Help me.
Ughhhhhh ok I have a hair crisis and I need serious help lol . Let me give a brief summary of my situation .... I used to dye my hair black with some chunky bleach blonde highlights and then I decided I wanted to be a solid color of burgendy..... I ended up having to bleach all of my hair twice til it was this coppery mess of like 6 different shades and not to mention the black wudnt completely lift then I went to the hair place and they fukd it up n gave me this shitty ass red color w super bright red roots since I had outgrowth of virgin hair. So I went to walmrt n bought box color of burgendy and dyed over it and it was much closer to wat I wanted but faded super quick since originally I had a look of bleach highlights. I went to hot topic today and bought there store brand bleach that I hear so much about (and they failed to mention it was a small quantity n I needed 2boxes) and I got nowhere near the result I expected all it did was take the purple tint from my hair n left it red n only maybe it blondish where my old blond highlites used to be wtffff do I do!? I feel lik I'm never gonna be a solid color or be able to work w it n change it until I cut it all off n start frm scratch :/ any suggestions at all id greatly appreciate it. I'm feeln helpless w my hair n I dnt wana keep damaging it ovr n ovr!!!

Yeah cohen I thought that was a bit odd they allowded that but I'm greatful =) more exposure!! I wana go pinkkkkkk. :p 

It's all good exposure. Best of luck.