Single. It sucks. Sometimes.
Like last night. Go on a date with a girl. Had a good time. She laughed at all my jokes, had good conversations. But really, it was like she couldn't wait to get out of my car when I drove her home. I wasn't a creeper, I don't think. I'm generally a cool/easy-going dude. I dunno.
I'd be gay if I could get past the whole "cock" thing. You women are too hard to figure out.
In other news, computer crashed. I lost everything. Pics, stories, videos, everything. I had a few videos I cut of my ex-fiance and I that are gone. Every story that I wrote since I was like 20 or so. I had a handful of stories backed-up, so at least I still have those.
Fuck it. Life continues.
Like last night. Go on a date with a girl. Had a good time. She laughed at all my jokes, had good conversations. But really, it was like she couldn't wait to get out of my car when I drove her home. I wasn't a creeper, I don't think. I'm generally a cool/easy-going dude. I dunno.
I'd be gay if I could get past the whole "cock" thing. You women are too hard to figure out.
In other news, computer crashed. I lost everything. Pics, stories, videos, everything. I had a few videos I cut of my ex-fiance and I that are gone. Every story that I wrote since I was like 20 or so. I had a handful of stories backed-up, so at least I still have those.
Fuck it. Life continues.

I think most of it is on Youtube, but you gotta see it all together. If I ever figure out how to burn DVDs again I'll make you one. You can torrent it pretty easily if you search for it. Train song is one of my very favorite ever. I love to sing it- really loudly at work, haha. You should search for 'a day in vienna' on Youtube. It's in five or six parts, I think, and is pure win. I ripped a couple of the parts and put them on my Ipod because the version of 'Sweet Little Bullet' in that series is phenomenal.
MBD is my all time favorite band! I have a tattoo on the back of my head; "There's still time to start again"