I have been isolated without internet connection for too long O.o (I was stealing a bit from my bf phone sometimes though...) But now I'm back! And is time for big news!
Some of you already know,but I like to make it official:
There' happens to be a little angel coming on the way!

What can I say? Everything is going great so far

That's why we have moved,and that's why I had no internet for a while! eheh
Being in a flat of our own is the greatest thing ever! I still can't believe I have a whole fridge just for us,and I can cook whatever and whenever I want and I can edit pics of naked ladies being naked myself in the living room,all day if I want! Horray!
So talking about cooking,I'm training to be a good wife
I have been baking a lot of pizza and other yummy stuff...
Then I went on a evening out with my auntie and I had the best dinner ever in the most amazing restaurant on a lake! This was the view from the place:
Took some pics and sexy pics of myself,and bought a nice dress full of owls
On the photographic side then!
I have 3 sets atm in MR,all of them 98%!!!
What about going to have a look at them and sending even more love to these super cute pretty faces??
"Cheer me up" by Salliss
"Inspired impulses" by Reuben (wich has recently turned pink!! Big congrats to her! :love
"Yellow" by Sindi
I'm so happy that SGland seems to appreciate my work so far,this is very important for me and I have to thank all of you for the constant support and help,especially from the other photographers here that are supplying me with all the advice I need whenever I ask for it.
Thank you from my heart SG,you are helping me to learn a lot!
I have also shot 2 new sets
"Ferrari" by NoraPurpleD will hit MR in October
Which was shot on an original Ferrari car ^^
And one that I'm currently editing with Huno shot in my new flat!
I will attend the London shootfest in October.but I'm already fully booked for that one...If any pretty girl of you would like to shoot with me,please contact me anyway and we will arrange outside that... I wanna shoot much moreeeeeeeeee!!!!
Talking about sets as a model instead,the one Ante shot for me at the last London shootfest is finally ready to be submitted! (and I love it!)
Here's a little preview:
Congrats to Ante on getting green recently as well!! She is the best!
Till next time,lots of love and take care!