Dear SG friends!
First of all: MERRY CHRISTMAS to all of you!
May you have lots of fun this Christmas,meet your beloved ones,and eat all the poossible Christmas yummy food!
(Can't wait to be my family's guest for this one!!!!!!)
Second of all:
My set Dandy

has passed the 1000 comments!!!

So I really really have to scream a big: THANK YOU! to everybody who has supported me! It is so nice to read all your sweet comments! Please keek it up!
It seems that I've been away from this page for quite a while now...
But I have at least 2 reasons for this,hope you will forgive me!
1) I had a very big issue with my boyfriend that made me so deeply sad for a while. We even split up for few days,but now everything seems to be solved (I'm very happy about that!) and we are back to normal.
I have been so worried that our relationship wasn't going to work anymore and I wish this will never ever happen again!
2) (this one is good!) Photography is going better and better!
You can check my improvements here: My facebook page or My flickr
I joined the photography club of my city and I learnt they like to organize lots of competitions wich is very interesting and a good occasion to learn from others.
Some of them are small,some are between different clubs from different cities and I think one every year is even a national one!
So I'm going to partecipate to the next one in January,and I've already got almost all the ideas I is time to develop them!
Since I can't afford a school at the moment I was thinking to work for some photography studios for free getting experience as a salary
I found some that might be interested but they will let me know after Christmas holiday as at the moment there's no job at all.
My best hope is about this amazing photographer: Katie J Piper
She's my absolute favourite at the moment as she has exactly the style and especially the attitude I'm looking for.
I contacted her with the excuse of a photoshoot for me that she's going to take on January, then I asked her if there was any possibility for me to be her assistant,but I've leart the queue is long for that (other people had my same idea before me ^^)
She is taking me into consideration anyway and she will try me on a few shooting next year. Finger crossed then!
I'm also going to spend some days in France as a guest of Maquerelle and we are taking the chance for a couple of shooting for SG and Zivity.
She's a great photographer as well and not only,she's a very nice and friendly person too! I can't wait to meet her and learn from her
Hope that a friendship is going to born 
On another note I'm going to visit my family in Italy very soon,and I will meet my loved sister for both the first and the last time in the new year as she is mooving to Australia and her return flight will be in one year time!!!!
I will miss her so much,and so glad skype does exist!
Now I leave you with an interesting experiment I did...
My hair seem to have a quite unusual characteristic,if you shape them anyhow,they stick like you put the gel in that position,but i didn't put any gel or anything at all.
I had a fun hour taking LOTS of stupid/cute pics of my face to better explain you the point:
First of all: MERRY CHRISTMAS to all of you!
May you have lots of fun this Christmas,meet your beloved ones,and eat all the poossible Christmas yummy food!

Second of all:
My set Dandy

has passed the 1000 comments!!!

So I really really have to scream a big: THANK YOU! to everybody who has supported me! It is so nice to read all your sweet comments! Please keek it up!

It seems that I've been away from this page for quite a while now...

But I have at least 2 reasons for this,hope you will forgive me!
1) I had a very big issue with my boyfriend that made me so deeply sad for a while. We even split up for few days,but now everything seems to be solved (I'm very happy about that!) and we are back to normal.
I have been so worried that our relationship wasn't going to work anymore and I wish this will never ever happen again!
2) (this one is good!) Photography is going better and better!
You can check my improvements here: My facebook page or My flickr
I joined the photography club of my city and I learnt they like to organize lots of competitions wich is very interesting and a good occasion to learn from others.
Some of them are small,some are between different clubs from different cities and I think one every year is even a national one!
So I'm going to partecipate to the next one in January,and I've already got almost all the ideas I is time to develop them!
Since I can't afford a school at the moment I was thinking to work for some photography studios for free getting experience as a salary

My best hope is about this amazing photographer: Katie J Piper
She's my absolute favourite at the moment as she has exactly the style and especially the attitude I'm looking for.
I contacted her with the excuse of a photoshoot for me that she's going to take on January, then I asked her if there was any possibility for me to be her assistant,but I've leart the queue is long for that (other people had my same idea before me ^^)
She is taking me into consideration anyway and she will try me on a few shooting next year. Finger crossed then!
I'm also going to spend some days in France as a guest of Maquerelle and we are taking the chance for a couple of shooting for SG and Zivity.
She's a great photographer as well and not only,she's a very nice and friendly person too! I can't wait to meet her and learn from her

On another note I'm going to visit my family in Italy very soon,and I will meet my loved sister for both the first and the last time in the new year as she is mooving to Australia and her return flight will be in one year time!!!!
I will miss her so much,and so glad skype does exist!
Now I leave you with an interesting experiment I did...
My hair seem to have a quite unusual characteristic,if you shape them anyhow,they stick like you put the gel in that position,but i didn't put any gel or anything at all.
I had a fun hour taking LOTS of stupid/cute pics of my face to better explain you the point:
Nice uh? I should make a collage lool!
Anyway,those were taken all in the same hour,without using nothing but my hand to model my hair in all those crazy shapes!
love ur set you loo amazing
you are lovely lady