Oh yeah!
I feel very optimistic (in general) and in a good mood!
The reason?
Well I just fed my brain,and my heart and my soul with so much good art that I'm going to explode! XD
Should I share?
Let's share!!!!
Ok I start with people you already know eheh
Cendres !

You should check her website out Cendres Book,
She's a great model,and not only on SG! There are some incredibly creative and colorful shots on her Book page,I enjojed especially seing all those costumes...I had the same good impression watching Star Wars (the last three) for the first time:the main thing I appreciated about that movie was the variety costumes of the princess! Loooool (very well designed btw)
Ok getting back to OUR princess...

Make sure you send her a lot of love on her set: "Rainbow Ghost"

Now..talking with her I discovered another amazing artist,which is her friend and first photographer: Nina Lins Temps
Lins Temps website

Very strong and crude photography...
A part from the message and the content of her images,I really appreciated the originality of some shoots,and her continuous experimentation.
Not all of them are perfect yet, in my opinion,but some really shine,it is worth it to check out

Talking with Maquerelle instead, (the photographer who shot Cendres's set), I discovered another interesting photographer whoom has worked with her recently:
Prudence Barthelemy
Tons of style again!

From the artists thread I found 2 big stars this week:
Konrad's art
Konrad Buss website
He does insane pencil works like this:

(I don't know if you have an idea of the patience and crazy precision that thakes to do something like this...but I have!)
And not only! Look at his photography as well!!

Yes yes yes so much talent!
Next one:
SmashedHead scribblings
SmashedHead Facebook fan page

Too good to be true right?
Such a great comic artist!
Thinkin' about how many ages of sweat and pain it takes to get to his point ^^ hurts. But some few brave and complitely mad persons seems to make it. And he's one of those living examples who reminds us:there's hope...
What else...mmh
I appreciated this one as well: Bigiddy
BenPatrick phothography
Do you recognize the girl in his portraits section?
Well we are going to shoot a set together very soon!
And most of all I am going to break his balls so much to learn whatever I can about: "How people get to wake up one day and they have become a photographer".
wonderful isn't it?

Ok this is all (for now)
I think I've spent enough time in front of the laptop for today!
Sooo before I go I just remind you to do your good action of the day and leave some sweet words here:

And if you want keep updated!



Thanks for giving us so much art! The links are great and Cendres is so gorgeous. I loved "Dandy" and look forward to seeing a new set, you're beautiful
I love everything you share.