I want to try and translate a page from the blog of my italian teacher and mentor Salvatore Brizzi.

(Only for who understand italian,sorry
"A chi ha sar dato(")
I like his point of view on reality,I find his philosophy very inspiring and it always help me reading his articles when I feel a bit down ^^
This time his blog was about "the pursuit of happiness", something that may interest anybody
I like to share it in case someone would like to talk about it or just get some inspiration from it like I do.
"The pursuit of happiness"
"The pursuit of happiness can be conducted in two ways:
-through quantity,in the time-space dimension
-trough quality, into eternity
Our world is based on the pursuit of a fake happiness,built looking at classical canons about being happy: the football player,the showgirl, money,physical beauty,health and intelligence as sciolism...
The pursuit of this kind of happiness is a mirage,is unreachable by definition.
I tell you why: If my being happy has to depend from a social status, from something I have got or from someone who loves me,in the very moment I get to loose them, my happiness is finished. My life then turns into a continuous query for exterior gratification, seeking for anything that saves me from feeling the void I have inside.
But,since all of us are "condemned" to an eternal and immovable happiness,in order to evolve in that direction we must embrace and accept that interior void and after we'll be able to get over it.
It happens then that every kind of happiness tied to external gratification of personality,though is not something wrong,is bound to disappear.
When we'll realize that every kind of gratification achieved within the world of quantity can't be nothing but fleeting, or it is subject to time and to space, then we'll turn to another kind of gratification which is timeless and spaceless.
Is therefore essential that we keep being deluded by fake satisfaction,the one that is only for hiding temporarily the void.
What is an handicap?
For example, being blind is considered by our society, an handicap. This happens because blindness is something that present society place within the "against-happiness" matters.
A disabled,according to our sick ideas, is an unlucky person, because clearly he can't play football or she can't be a showgirl!
A blind,or a guy on wheelchair are no more competitive within the system!
And most of the times they see themselves as unlucky as well,so they feel unhappy because according to canons of the consumer society they are unproductive...and maybe they try their best to get back to be competitive, to be like the others,the ones that as a matter of fact are the actual unlucky.
usually we feel pitiful for disabled people,because we think they are going to live a second class life. The disabled person can only resign to live an unlucky life and he'll never get to achieve the real happiness: the one that comes with appearance!
Nobody thinks that a disabled person might be forced to look inside himself much more than anybody else...till he discovers where the real happiness' home is, the real "interior skill" ,the one that's no more conditioned by space-temporal matters.
He might then get to recognize he's "able to live" more then others are -within the Here and Now- and discover the complete disability of those who consider themselves able and dare to be pitiful for him.
Our life condition are the best we can desire,but they have to be seen in another context,in an evolutive paradigm,no more within the dichotomy lucky/unlucky.
Be blind,for example,moreover than giving you the possibility of a deepest reflection about the meaning of your life,gets you to strengthen a different sensibility, a completely different notion of "seeing" that you'll take with you for the rest of your soul existence.
One life as a sight-less within the whole soul existence (that lasts millions of years), is like spending one day blindfolded for a game within the whole earthly life!
It costs you effort,but you know that will last for a short while,and you know it will finish.
what will we keep with us when we loose the physical body?
We won't get with us love,tenderness and compassion like objects inside a piece of luggage. Rather we'll reach the afterlife coated with these superior emotions. The tenderness we have lived with,will have became our body and our subtle senses.
If we forgave on Earth,in our afterlife, forgiveness will bubble over every landscape and person that will surround us,but if we won't have forgave,even if we will be in paradise,flowers will not smell of forgiveness and people won't release forgiveness.
Paradise and Hell are only representations of who we have been on Earth,of the quality we acquired with experience and mistakes and of the ones we refused to develop with our stubbornness.
Life gives us every second the lessons that we more need. If we live a life were nobody is taking care of us,or a life where somebody has to take care of you 24/7 because maybe we are inside an iron-lung, we'll be sure that in our next lives we'll be the first to run to help anybody is in need. We will have developed a sensibility that others will never get to have.
Instead we usually consider a life like that as unlucky!!!
Get, for example, paralyzed in a bed and being able to move only the eyes...
Think about how many things will no more be taken for granted...
Think about how many things will no more be possible to say...
Before we use to talk,mostly bullshit continuously,and now we can only hope they we'll ask us the right question because we can only answer with a yes or a no.
Can you imagine what kind of skills one can develop in that condition?
Are really unlucky those people? One mouth...one year..,ten years...in an hospital bed and the meaning of life become crystal clear!
A walk in the hospital garden becomes a walk in the Garden of Eden!
How deep do we need to go down in the Darkness of life to be able to see its light?"
- It makes you think this guy isn't it?
Such a good provocateur!
I hope the translation was comprehensible ^^
Let me know your taught!

(Only for who understand italian,sorry

I like his point of view on reality,I find his philosophy very inspiring and it always help me reading his articles when I feel a bit down ^^
This time his blog was about "the pursuit of happiness", something that may interest anybody

I like to share it in case someone would like to talk about it or just get some inspiration from it like I do.
"The pursuit of happiness"
"The pursuit of happiness can be conducted in two ways:
-through quantity,in the time-space dimension
-trough quality, into eternity
Our world is based on the pursuit of a fake happiness,built looking at classical canons about being happy: the football player,the showgirl, money,physical beauty,health and intelligence as sciolism...
The pursuit of this kind of happiness is a mirage,is unreachable by definition.
I tell you why: If my being happy has to depend from a social status, from something I have got or from someone who loves me,in the very moment I get to loose them, my happiness is finished. My life then turns into a continuous query for exterior gratification, seeking for anything that saves me from feeling the void I have inside.
But,since all of us are "condemned" to an eternal and immovable happiness,in order to evolve in that direction we must embrace and accept that interior void and after we'll be able to get over it.
It happens then that every kind of happiness tied to external gratification of personality,though is not something wrong,is bound to disappear.
When we'll realize that every kind of gratification achieved within the world of quantity can't be nothing but fleeting, or it is subject to time and to space, then we'll turn to another kind of gratification which is timeless and spaceless.
Is therefore essential that we keep being deluded by fake satisfaction,the one that is only for hiding temporarily the void.
What is an handicap?
For example, being blind is considered by our society, an handicap. This happens because blindness is something that present society place within the "against-happiness" matters.
A disabled,according to our sick ideas, is an unlucky person, because clearly he can't play football or she can't be a showgirl!
A blind,or a guy on wheelchair are no more competitive within the system!
And most of the times they see themselves as unlucky as well,so they feel unhappy because according to canons of the consumer society they are unproductive...and maybe they try their best to get back to be competitive, to be like the others,the ones that as a matter of fact are the actual unlucky.
usually we feel pitiful for disabled people,because we think they are going to live a second class life. The disabled person can only resign to live an unlucky life and he'll never get to achieve the real happiness: the one that comes with appearance!
Nobody thinks that a disabled person might be forced to look inside himself much more than anybody else...till he discovers where the real happiness' home is, the real "interior skill" ,the one that's no more conditioned by space-temporal matters.
He might then get to recognize he's "able to live" more then others are -within the Here and Now- and discover the complete disability of those who consider themselves able and dare to be pitiful for him.
Our life condition are the best we can desire,but they have to be seen in another context,in an evolutive paradigm,no more within the dichotomy lucky/unlucky.
Be blind,for example,moreover than giving you the possibility of a deepest reflection about the meaning of your life,gets you to strengthen a different sensibility, a completely different notion of "seeing" that you'll take with you for the rest of your soul existence.
One life as a sight-less within the whole soul existence (that lasts millions of years), is like spending one day blindfolded for a game within the whole earthly life!
It costs you effort,but you know that will last for a short while,and you know it will finish.
what will we keep with us when we loose the physical body?
We won't get with us love,tenderness and compassion like objects inside a piece of luggage. Rather we'll reach the afterlife coated with these superior emotions. The tenderness we have lived with,will have became our body and our subtle senses.
If we forgave on Earth,in our afterlife, forgiveness will bubble over every landscape and person that will surround us,but if we won't have forgave,even if we will be in paradise,flowers will not smell of forgiveness and people won't release forgiveness.
Paradise and Hell are only representations of who we have been on Earth,of the quality we acquired with experience and mistakes and of the ones we refused to develop with our stubbornness.
Life gives us every second the lessons that we more need. If we live a life were nobody is taking care of us,or a life where somebody has to take care of you 24/7 because maybe we are inside an iron-lung, we'll be sure that in our next lives we'll be the first to run to help anybody is in need. We will have developed a sensibility that others will never get to have.
Instead we usually consider a life like that as unlucky!!!
Get, for example, paralyzed in a bed and being able to move only the eyes...
Think about how many things will no more be taken for granted...
Think about how many things will no more be possible to say...
Before we use to talk,mostly bullshit continuously,and now we can only hope they we'll ask us the right question because we can only answer with a yes or a no.
Can you imagine what kind of skills one can develop in that condition?
Are really unlucky those people? One mouth...one year..,ten years...in an hospital bed and the meaning of life become crystal clear!
A walk in the hospital garden becomes a walk in the Garden of Eden!
How deep do we need to go down in the Darkness of life to be able to see its light?"
- It makes you think this guy isn't it?

I hope the translation was comprehensible ^^
Let me know your taught!
I can't wait either!
I really appreciate it!
such a cutie you are!