I put up a few of my drawings, I will put up more when I am back in california and have my laptop again.
Oh! And I return to California on June 8.
Fuck yeeeeeeaaaaaaaah.
I find it humorous that I gernerally dislike being considered masculine, yet one of my favorite animes is so over emasculine, its one gay joke from being a big cover for the writer's homosexuality...
Then again, Id believe it if it was actually a satire of hyper-masculine anime, being that I laugh at every one of Kamina's manly speeches, and that Leroy's character is a brainy gay guy who Kamina often over reacts to every time he is hit on, with his over reactions being shown as....over reactions (gay panic parodying in the same way racism is parodied in Ralph Bakshi's Coonskin)
And the fact that the entire creation team is made up of perverts (See the team's latest creation "Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt)
Oh! And I return to California on June 8.
Fuck yeeeeeeaaaaaaaah.
I find it humorous that I gernerally dislike being considered masculine, yet one of my favorite animes is so over emasculine, its one gay joke from being a big cover for the writer's homosexuality...
Then again, Id believe it if it was actually a satire of hyper-masculine anime, being that I laugh at every one of Kamina's manly speeches, and that Leroy's character is a brainy gay guy who Kamina often over reacts to every time he is hit on, with his over reactions being shown as....over reactions (gay panic parodying in the same way racism is parodied in Ralph Bakshi's Coonskin)
And the fact that the entire creation team is made up of perverts (See the team's latest creation "Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt)
that explains why yoko is so sexy
dude you have some good stuff in your profile