Polotics, both sides want more freedom, YET BOTH SIDES KEEP PASSING STUPID LAWS THAT LIMIT IT! Its paradoxical, actually.
Racism is paradoxical to, rednecks and gangbangers, ganbangers are mean to white people, thinking they're all rednecks, rednecks are mean to black and mexican people thinking they are all gangbangers. So nice white people and nice black and mexican people are all victimized for nothing, thus adding fire to the racism of said racists. Its a fucking paradox man....
Racism is paradoxical to, rednecks and gangbangers, ganbangers are mean to white people, thinking they're all rednecks, rednecks are mean to black and mexican people thinking they are all gangbangers. So nice white people and nice black and mexican people are all victimized for nothing, thus adding fire to the racism of said racists. Its a fucking paradox man....
What do you mean by "gangbangers" Because a gang banger is a gangster. Gangsters are not specific to one race. There are many different types of gangs, some racially oriented and some otherwise. In fact, there are 8 major Caucasian gangs (known) in California alone. Not to mention countless Asian gangs, in addition to the "black and mexican people" (to use your elegant phrasing) noted in your blog. Also, I may be wrong, but I'm almost positive that there are more races than the 4 we have mentioned thus far.
If you look at the statistics regarding racism itself, the numbers show that thinking "black people" and "mexican people" are all "gangbangers" is nowhere near the top of the list of reasons for individual racism.
Also, it's not only "redneck" Caucasians who victimize people of a different race. In fact, the #1 threat to an African American gang member (in most areas) is a Caucasian gang member, not "rednecks". So, I'm not sure where you get your information, because it certainly does not come from the news. Or from truth, for that matter.
Blogs are fabulous for expressing thoughts or opinions or emotions. They can also be great for current events and political issues, but if it's going to work, the facts need to be right.
If this blog had only included your opinion on the matter, that would be another story. In stead, you have written your skewed vision of things as true and correct statements. Not only that, but you riddled it with incredibly offensive verbiage. I hope this isn't a reflection of what kind of person you are.