Holy crap!
The video Trixie and I did for the 2 Girls Kissing contest... WON!
Out of the loop, or just want to re-live the hotness?
Thank you all SO MUCH for your lovely comments and support. It's nice that we can show you how strange we are and get rewarded for it. Instead of beat up, like in junior high.
There will be another video coming soon. Trixie and I don't exactly star in it, but I think you guys'll enjoy it quite a bit.
In the meantime... we're looking for a new place to live. Our lovely landlord has decided that he wants to spend the summer in San Diego, so his family is packing up the ol station wagon and cruisin' on down... And we are just shit out of luck. SO this next few weeks will be a flurry of filling out applicatios and stressing about money and looking at places and praying and packing and lifting and cleaning. Not. Looking. Forward. But we're going to get a kick-assier place, with a YARD we can BBQ in all summer. And beyond even, since this *is* SD. And probably our last summer in SD, so we're gonna make it count.
The video Trixie and I did for the 2 Girls Kissing contest... WON!
Out of the loop, or just want to re-live the hotness?
Thank you all SO MUCH for your lovely comments and support. It's nice that we can show you how strange we are and get rewarded for it. Instead of beat up, like in junior high.
There will be another video coming soon. Trixie and I don't exactly star in it, but I think you guys'll enjoy it quite a bit.
In the meantime... we're looking for a new place to live. Our lovely landlord has decided that he wants to spend the summer in San Diego, so his family is packing up the ol station wagon and cruisin' on down... And we are just shit out of luck. SO this next few weeks will be a flurry of filling out applicatios and stressing about money and looking at places and praying and packing and lifting and cleaning. Not. Looking. Forward. But we're going to get a kick-assier place, with a YARD we can BBQ in all summer. And beyond even, since this *is* SD. And probably our last summer in SD, so we're gonna make it count.

I'm sure it will be even more amazing!
Congrats on winning the contest too!
I adore you!