"From all ills, mine differ;
It pleasures me; I rejoice in it;
My illness is what I want
And my pain is my health!
I don't see, then, of what I complain,
For my illness comes to me of my own will;
It is my own wish that becomes my ill,
But I find so much pleasure in wishing thus
That I suffer agreeably,
And so much joy within my pain
That I am sick with delight."
-Chretien de Troyes
It pleasures me; I rejoice in it;
My illness is what I want
And my pain is my health!
I don't see, then, of what I complain,
For my illness comes to me of my own will;
It is my own wish that becomes my ill,
But I find so much pleasure in wishing thus
That I suffer agreeably,
And so much joy within my pain
That I am sick with delight."
-Chretien de Troyes
The bears offense lacks and Cutler needs to be cut. Looove me some Bears defense though.
Doin good so far. Your Bears and my Packers got a meeting next Monday night.
You better Bring it!
