Please, do your acupuncturist/doctor/massage therapist a favor. Shower and wipe your ass before you come for your appointment!! I had a very bad experience today
OK. Here is the story. Not terribly shocking considering what goes on in the world today...but it was not a pleasant experience. I feel bad for nurses who have to deal with much worse.
So...I see and touch asses, feet, and even genitalia as a regular part of my job as an acupuncturist. The patient I had the other day was a regular one, who in general does not have the best hygiene. This past appointment was awful, however. I usually am needling the muscles in her ass and so she gets in a gown, open to the rear, and lays face down. I come into the room and proceed to open her gown. Much to my surprise (shock and disgust??) I see that her granny underwear has a huge shit stain on them. As I move them down to get at her ass, the shit smell hits me in the face. Now if I puke on the patient, that would not only be unprofessional, it would be a mess to clean up. Not to mention I would lose business. So I keep a stiff upper lip, as they say, and do the needling, doing my best not to vomit. I should have told her she is basically cured and does not need to come in for a follow-up, but my cognition was seriously impaired. I think I must have washed my hands a dozen times in that half-hour. I kept on smelling that smell. I showered many times when I got home.

OK. Here is the story. Not terribly shocking considering what goes on in the world today...but it was not a pleasant experience. I feel bad for nurses who have to deal with much worse.
So...I see and touch asses, feet, and even genitalia as a regular part of my job as an acupuncturist. The patient I had the other day was a regular one, who in general does not have the best hygiene. This past appointment was awful, however. I usually am needling the muscles in her ass and so she gets in a gown, open to the rear, and lays face down. I come into the room and proceed to open her gown. Much to my surprise (shock and disgust??) I see that her granny underwear has a huge shit stain on them. As I move them down to get at her ass, the shit smell hits me in the face. Now if I puke on the patient, that would not only be unprofessional, it would be a mess to clean up. Not to mention I would lose business. So I keep a stiff upper lip, as they say, and do the needling, doing my best not to vomit. I should have told her she is basically cured and does not need to come in for a follow-up, but my cognition was seriously impaired. I think I must have washed my hands a dozen times in that half-hour. I kept on smelling that smell. I showered many times when I got home.
tee hee ass n titties, i seriously have to do the dance too, every time i see it

i've had that happen to me too, altho i had someone come into the room afterwards and get rid of all the things (sheets etc.)involved. that always worries me a little everyday i go to work now. you just have to hope for the best!