So, today I got my very own "funny piercin' story."
For the last opera I was in, I had to take out the two CBRs in my cartilage. Today, I went to get them put back in. I went in, indicated the two little holes in my ear and gave them the jewelery, saying "I need to put these back in." The piercer takes me back, gets all set up, puts the taper through. "Hmmm," I think, "that's odd. That doesn't feel like my cartilage at ALL. That feels more like... my earlobe?" So I hop up and go to the mirror. Sure enough, there's a taper through my lobe!
See, I've had this cyst in my earlobe since I was about nine. Apparently, it looks and feels to a piercer EXACTLY like what happens when you remove an ear piercing. So she had assumed that's what I had meant, and that I was just a really quick healer. This is followed by about two minutes of hysterical laughter on my part, and a lot of "I swear, I've never been pierced there," followed by about a minute of apologies from my piercer. When I explained what the lump in my ear REALLy was, she became absolutely fascinated, and spent a good ten minutes squeezing cyst out of the newly-created hole in my ear! She didn't even charge me for putting the other jewelery back in. I think she was just relieved I wasn't mad. Truth be told, she did me a favor, a dermatologist would have charged me a couple hundred bucks to do the same thing.
Happy valentine's day everyone, especially my darlin' Piski. She's feeling all sick today, so go over and give her some lovin'.
For the last opera I was in, I had to take out the two CBRs in my cartilage. Today, I went to get them put back in. I went in, indicated the two little holes in my ear and gave them the jewelery, saying "I need to put these back in." The piercer takes me back, gets all set up, puts the taper through. "Hmmm," I think, "that's odd. That doesn't feel like my cartilage at ALL. That feels more like... my earlobe?" So I hop up and go to the mirror. Sure enough, there's a taper through my lobe!
See, I've had this cyst in my earlobe since I was about nine. Apparently, it looks and feels to a piercer EXACTLY like what happens when you remove an ear piercing. So she had assumed that's what I had meant, and that I was just a really quick healer. This is followed by about two minutes of hysterical laughter on my part, and a lot of "I swear, I've never been pierced there," followed by about a minute of apologies from my piercer. When I explained what the lump in my ear REALLy was, she became absolutely fascinated, and spent a good ten minutes squeezing cyst out of the newly-created hole in my ear! She didn't even charge me for putting the other jewelery back in. I think she was just relieved I wasn't mad. Truth be told, she did me a favor, a dermatologist would have charged me a couple hundred bucks to do the same thing.

Happy valentine's day everyone, especially my darlin' Piski. She's feeling all sick today, so go over and give her some lovin'.

Nothing good, both of us were kind of dumbfounded and watched the whole thing in disbelief. Nothing good. Some guy stuck his hand in that jewlery display at teh counter and stole about $20 worth of stuff.
While we were waiting to give the police report we found out we knew the same people from our failed BMX careers ten years ago.
No idea if he's still there or not. Just me being nosey.